we may be nearing a ben shapiro diss track on bill

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Ben Shapiro is the person who should talk the least, but he talks the most.

Ben Shapiro is so weird man. Used to praise Bill’s specials on Twitter and (less than a year ago) on YouTube, but now as soon as Bill said something he didn’t like on Maher’s podcast (related to college students protesting), he began keeping tabs on everything he says/does.

As far as I know, Bill has never said anything about him and very likely never will. Simply refusing to acknowledge him is a W.

These ‘based’ guys going overdrive to protect the billionaire class is a sight to behold.

Remember, The Daily Wire is FUNDED by right-wing billionaires. They don’t make a profit. Ben Shapiro is just a mouthpiece for their goals.

i agree.

it’s morally sick that things have gotten so bad we’re celebrating DEATH as a form of justice.

but in the absence of ‘proper’ justice, we’ll take what we can get.

Ol Benny fast talker gonna get sat down by burr

So what does Shapiro think then? That CEOs should feel they can do whatever they want with no consequences? Dude sucks establishment cocks for a living

Bill likes to play “dumb” when it comes to politics and such but rest assured, he’s not stupid. He would shred this guy.

Would be curious to know what health insurance Ben Shapiro has. He really should sit this one out.

Ben Shapiro would never have the stones to go on the MMPC

Any time you get Ben Shapiro’s panties in a bunch, you know you’re on the moral and intellectual correct side of history.

Ben is sick he is lusting after his sister at all times

I want to live in a world where Bill tears into Ben

He’s a comedian, Ben.

But killing people for profits is ok

That nasal drip grifter should probably shut the fuck up.

Every word I’ve heard from Ben Shapiro has been against my will. I can’t think of anyone else I want to hear from less that I somehow hear from all the fucking time.

Ohhh you wake up in the morning and you take a breath of air! Ben Shapiro takes it up the butt!

*Now* this twink has the moral high-ground?

Ben’s been bought

“Shut up Ben.” – Everyone I wish.


Get off your high horse Ben. This is class war.

Stay in your lane, Shitpiro.

CEO (ok cofounder) of company sickened by comedian laughing at people hating CEO’s

Pikachu face

Not morally sick: raking in millions of dollars by denying people healthcare coverage that they paid for.

Also not morally sick: A system where we have no real power other than the power that grows out of the barrel of a gun, as Mao Zedong said.

“Those who make peaceful resolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable”

John F. Kennedy

13 March 1962

the shapiros rule. ben is a complete grifter in his own right, but then you have his tradwife larping sister who shames women online for being promiscuous and slutty while profiting immensely off her enormous breasts with dressing up and talking about sex from loner guys, who would absolutely make an onlyfans account if she could do so anonymously

they both have the gift of grift in their souls

Fuck Ben Shapiro, that smug self-righteous cunt

Shapiro is trying his absolute hardest to paint this as a political situation to keep all of us divided. We ignore dipshits like Ben Shapiro.


The least masculine male ever crying about gender will never not be funny to me.

He’s doing a live video right now where he’s calling Bill “evil”

CEOs who have no fear is also morally sick.

Ben Shapiro has such strong virgin energy

No more morally sick than rooting for the enemy generals.

*In high-pitched nasally and effeminate Shapiro voice
“It’s just a shame that these people who take so much from society and provide nothing but suffering have to look over their shoulders in fear that one of the millions who they have caused pain might want vengeance.”

He can stuff up his wife’s dry vagina. It’s not a medical condition, Ben. It’s you.

Shapiro and his ilk deserve the same treatment as CEOs.

Bill Burr about to spread his Irish ass cheeks and shit all over Ben Shapiro.

But The Atrocities in Gaza Aren’t?

Fuck Ben.
Bill is loved by both sides you idiot.

Bill is definitely not alone.

I’m just hoping the one Ben Shapiro dickrider rushing to downvote every comment has the bawls to reply to me and have a conversation about it

Fuck this bag of Brussel sprout farts! We see him for what he is now, and we are sick of the bullshit.

Shapiro is a waffle twat, a stinky queef, and an annoying hemorrhoid. He’s hit the trifecta.

Shitpiro, it’s best if you just stay in your lane.

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