We must fix what the previous incompetent administration broke!

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Republicans are dumb, news at 11.

Sabotaging everything and blaming it on others is the whole brand

Back in 1995-2000 when Bush was governor of Texas, he decided that ESL (English as a second language) education was a waste of money. (He tried to eliminate while president too.) As Govenor he eliminated vocational education to help students who were not college bound. Even teaching high school students to write a resume was removed. Texas only cares about the rich. They will gerrymander to keep the rich in power.

Coen Brothers predicted it.

“How we gonna run on reform when we’re the damn incumbent!”

They were fixing acceptance which is what their base wants. Let’s stop pretending these are decent humans

It’s easier to fool the rubes than try to convince them they have been fooled. Republican motto for over 30 years.

I thought they were especially proud of their electric grid. They use freedom watts or something that only true believers can see when it’s cold out.

Republicans never take responsibility except for things they never voted for. Their election message is always “government is too big, government is wasting your money, government is broken”. If you vote for me, I will fix it. Why doesn’t anyone ever notice that Republicans never offer to give up THEIR position to make government smaller, they blow up the deficit sending MORE of YOUR money to the already disgustingly wealthy (their bosses), pass no legislation but spend entire time accusing Democrats of injustice and holding hearings, and then when the Democrats pass legislation creating jobs in all states, Republicans don’t vote for it because the deficit of course that they blew up, but they go into their districts and rave about all the jobs and money flowing to them. And stupid Texans and others can’t see what is in front of their eyes. They believe what they hear, but never bother to look at the facts.

TXGOP to voters: Quit hitting yourself. Quit hitting yourself. Quit hitting yourself.

It’s the Elon Musk style of leadership. Full self driving is coming this quarter, then really next quarter, but in all honesty it’s the quarter after that, trust him!

GOP is good at blaming others and promising the moon and stars but never delivering anything.

Literally the dumbest people alive

Republicans stand for pure greed and evil smothered in balloons and ribbons-Frank Zappa

This is why the Republican combo of religion and politics is so damn powerful. By appealing to faith, they can simply claim the other side is ungodly, and will cost you your soul if you vote for them.

You are the reason, they have to cancel Department of Education. You ask too many inconvenient questions.

Probably because they have a DEI hire as Governor

So true. Texas has been a shit hole since Anne Richards left. Bush, Perry, Abbot not mentioned the AG who should be locked up. Unfortunately for Texas they have been brainwashed

This begs the questions of how they’ve been able to do that for so long. It seems to me people are more afraid of change than actual bad policy down there.

Yeah, they’re not only immoral, they’re stupid.

At this point, I have zero respect for Texans who vote Republican.

lol that’s hilarious.

30 years now

They’ve worked really hard at killing women though.

Yeah but, trans something and books bad.

Now, that’s not true !

OP is ignoring the hard work the Texas GOP has done to ‘fix’ elections.


Conseratives have never once not been in power in my state of MS, its a incompetent shithole

Rep. best switch over soon. Before the entire party becomes the new Nazi party…..Oh, might be too late.

Same situation in Florida. They keep running on fixing all the shit they keep fucking up and then they just fuck it up some more. Republican voters are the dumbest of the dumb.

Smooth brains will believe anything.

It’s important to remember why Texas is like it is, and getting worse. It’s not an accident.

Because for a long time Texas was improving. Big infrastructure projects, improvements in some of the main cities, stronger education and the nonstop growth of the tech industry. The state leadership could take some credit for this, for other parts it was national work but work that they at least tolerated.

But by about 15 years ago the problem was really clear, demographic changes were drawing texas ever leftwards. People stopped talking about the possibility of a blue texas and started talking about the likelihood. And that wasn’t acceptable, so since then they’ve been acting constantly to nudge the dial back redwards, not coincidentally with an endless string of self-harming policies and acts that make the state less competitive, less open for business and less welcoming to anyone at all progressive, a less good place to live and god forbid bring up kids.

And it’s worked… They have fixed a lot, just as long as you never forget what the GOP in Texas’s first job is, which is to keep those 40 EC votes even if they have to burn the state to the ground.

I assume the response is California, Oregon (Portland), New York. Problems will always arise regardless of party. But, you think Texans would have been pissed after Cancun, but they weren’t.

Where comeback

Republicans are stupid.

Whats the difference between this and both parties saying the same thing while the other is in power? Because even then either party has fixed ZERO, because they’re both bought and paid for by the oligarchs; who want NOTHING CHANGED!

I hate to say it, but: If it ain’t broke…! I wish after nearly 3 decades people would wake up and say “Hey, WTAF!”, but again, it’s worked for nearly 3 decades. How do you fix that?

As far as I’m concerned, you’re preaching to the choir with me. I’ve been saying this same thing for years!

The culture wars are the ultimate distraction. It’s amazing how much “don’t be a pussy” works as a counter to pretty much anything.

Same shit in Indiana for about the same amount of time. With the same plot being followed. It’s embarrassing but quite telling of the American educational system.

And their constituency is that dumb.

Chicago has had a Democratic mayor since 1933 and is still a dump

Texans are dumb

I’m in Alberta, the Conservatives have been in power for like 80 of the last 85 years, we constantly vote them in fix everything. So what happens is, they’re all corrupt, so a further right party splinters off, declares the old party liberals and we move further and further right all the time.

Because it’s worked. Don’t blame them, blame the people who continually vote for them.

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