We REMEMBER Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, the transwomen who fought for our rights.

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True heroes. Fuck those aholes trying to erase them, they will not be forgotten so easily 

Their history is really really important and I encourage that you watch the documentary on Marsha’s life and death. Also Paris is Burning

Today I cried.

Waterfalls by TLC came on from my Playlist, and I knew every word.
And i cried knowing there would be entire generations who wouldn’t be taught about Stonewall, or the AIDS crisis;
And i cried knowing there are people actively trying to make history forget these two ladies’ names.

Hold them up. Say their names.
Sylvia Rivera
Marsha P Johnson

Throw a brick in their names. Throw two. And remember them.

Edit: I apologize for my usage of trans women. I didn’t know that using it without the space is what terfs and bigots do and I want people to know it was not intentional.

We shall remember. They cannot erase history, and they cannot erase us. We are written into the world with permanent ink!

There is park named after marsha near me in NYC. There is a small trail with lgbt historical information. At least here, in nyc she is remembered. I do not understand the stone wall situation. Will they now attempt to change this park as well?


Tell the Stonewall National Monument to stop scrubbing all references to transgender people from their website!

There’s no lgb without the T 🏳️‍⚧️

Not to be an asshole but its important, especially right now and with the subject matter to put a space between trans and women. Trans is an adjective and having it as one word is often a dogwhistle.

FYI transwomen is a terf word used to invalidate our womanhood. Always include a space, trans women.

They will not erase us 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Fam. Pride needs to go back to its roots.
This year ain’t about celebrating.

Badasses of Stonewall

Mothers of the modern movement

Never forget. 🧱

Thank you brave ladies!



you go girls!

LOOK @ that Class baby dolls…we will fight for this.

they are so pretty.


Think about how people will remember you over these next few years as things grow difficult. It’s all of our responsibility to keep fighting Sylvia and Marsha’s fight, our fight! Stay safe, love you all

Ive never seen a different photo used for Marsha, Ive always seen the iconic one

their legacy continues to inspire us. we must never forget their struggle and sacrifices

Everyday we slip closer back to the 60’s and 70’s, it’s important we remember that cans of soup are the new bricks 😉😉

The one thing that gives me any hope for the future of this country is how the folks before us fought and succeeded. Gonna get ugly here for a while, but I’m ready to get creative like they did.

Marsha is a fucking revolutionary and so is anyone involved in her Star House work. Sylvia’s speeches still ring true today, as well. So much respect for them both, despite their personal struggles.

We will NEVER ever forget them.

I need a tattoo of them.

I recently did my JRP on Stonewall, and I made sure to include these two and STAR when I presented it.

I got obliterated on r/askgaybros for bringing up Marsha and everyone kept telling me she was a man who crossdressed and was never trans. This was like 3 years ago but it made me feel awful.

*trans women

thank you for paving the way of our rights. we will continue the fight


The ones who couldn’t hide were the ones who were the toughest and loudest. It was the black and brown trans women who started the movement no matter what you hear.

Let’s return the favor

Never forget ❤️❤️

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