We the people are getting real sick of you Elonia.

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The fastest way is simply to quit using X.

All the money in the world and he’s just a weak, little bitch. You’d think he could afford to act like a man for once.

Not much wick left in that candle

For a ‘jean-yus’ Leon has as large a vocabulary as his co-President, Donnie Dump. What is it with the oligarchs lately, from Peter Thiel’s editorial, to Leon’s Shitter posts and Donnie’s senile ramblings I get the feeling that becoming/remaining wealthy is not so much about skill and knowledge but rather being an immoral, unethical a-hole.

His comments are like a grammar school child. Embarrassing.

Imagine having amount of wealth to literally go down in history as one of the most influential people in human history by using that wealth to better your fellow humankind. He could personally fund massive amounts of research, delete debt for needy families, open fully funded and staffed orphanages across the country, fix massive amounts of homelessness, feed so many hungry people, hell he could even just open huge pet sanctuaries across the nation all without even making a dent in his net worth. Hell, I’d even have more respect for him if he just opened a sex cult island somewhere.

Instead he just wants to go down as this huge internet troll douche canoe for some reason.

Elonia Musty is spiraling. His family needs to get him some help.

He seems to be especially agitated recently after reports that Trump is getting tired of him and he has overstayed his welcome at Mar A Lago

This guy screams of desperation to be wanted, liked, loved, and what he wants apparently all the money in the world cannot give him


Musk is a South African mama’s boy bigot who loves Apartheid and will destroy Democracy if given a chance.

What does Elon even do, he post like no exaggeration 50-100 tweets a day.

What an awful person on a really big platform.

Notice he never mentions his failed Hyperloop project

What inspiring, positive content.

Weak leaders will always put people up against each other. Once you understand this, it’s easy to pick out the losers.

It’s hard for young, testosterone filled boys to see this, hence the newfound popularity of Musk & Trump under this age group.

Around my house we call him E-Loon….cuz he’s a lunatic. But Elonia has a nice ring to it.

Dear Elon,
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Elon is a gimptard.

He has become so disgusting.

Mr MuskRat should ask his pilot to fly him around a bit more, not good for the environment but better for sanity.

Down with musk! Down with musk!

Boycott President Musk and Twitter and Tesla

Are we sick of him? We just elected him president because the majority of Americans are too damn lazy to pull a fucking lever.

Sounds like someone’s having a tantrum over more of his lies being exposed as completely made up crap.

Musk couldn’t get elected dogcatcher.

Leon Skum

Oh Eeelon. Who’s a big strong boyyyyy? Such a big strong boyyyyyy..

I actually kinda welcome Musk’s spiral into madness. The longer he continues to be an absolutely insufferable twat the more it’s going to hurt Republicans/Trump being associated with him. Obviously copium but still.

I really hope more people leave xitter, especially if this is the bs he’s going to continue posting. “Oh I’m going to be leader of the department of government efficiency. I better efficiently piss off half the politicians in the country.”

Each and every day I hate him more. Kinda like Trump. Although, I think it hit my hate point on Trump.

What an absolutely garbage way for someone as wealthy and powerful as Musk to behave

He is such a child.

Just wait until he buys tiktok

Can’t they hang Elon for treason or something

Lone Skum

You Americans know Elon is a CEO, right? Just sayin

Every second post I see is Elon saying something outrageous, and someone robustly putting him in his place, followed by thousands of comments about what a dangerous piece of shit Elon Musk is.

But without Twitter I have no idea what the general consensus there is. Are the comments on Twitter supportive or as derisive as they are here? Does it matter? What’s the general sentiment among the public there? I’m not in North America and everyone I discuss the whole Trump / Musk thing with are in disbelief that this is the state of politics over there, but is it? What the fuck is going on?!

Why are people feeding this Troll?

No ones forced to see his shit, I’ve had him muted for a couple years now

NO ONE is “forced” to use that platform.

Quit being a wuss and stop lying.

Whatever happened to his whining about “negativity” on his platform?

Anymore Twitter is just truth social with extra steps.

Elon is a brat.

very rich, very loud, but still basically… a brat.

no more no less.

pure brat energy.

MMW; Dudes going to buy Tictok, it’s going to get a LOT worse.

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