We went to visit our local shelter and this little one claimed my bf

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The cat distribution system is operating purrfectly.


Thank you for being heroes for this baby, for giving him/her a forever home

Her face is saying “can we just leave already?! I picked you! Please can we GO?”

Omg if you haven’t named them Snarf, I don’t know what I’d do.

Come to papa little one.

Look at those whiskies!

Visible part of the “Papa” tattoo is apropos

Call him/her Mittens

What a pretty girl! Congrats.

She is absolutely adorable! Mazel tov!

She saw his tattoo and said “Yep. You’re my Papa!” Congrats ❤️

I got a calico from a shelter years ago and she is my princess 👑 she only loves me and she’s suuuuuper sweet ♥️ you’re in for good times!

aww, look at that little cutie claiming its human! you can tell that kitten knew exactly who it wanted. such a sweet moment

Oh, what a precious cutie. Just look at those whiskers!

Congrats on your new purrbaby!

Gorgeous kitty, and so well behaved too!

You’re the side-chick now…that’s her man

Chose right

Precious cutie! 🥹

Such a cutie! Congrats to all three of you!

Aww that face is like “I been thru some shit! Please take me home!”


What a cutie! There are a lot off bff at the shelter!

That is a cute kitty!

Get ready to be the 3rd wheel now 😉

Omg those whiskers holy shit

If you don’t name him Party Cat I’ll go back to Soi 6 tonight drink a bunch of beer. Actually I’m going to do that anyway, name him what you will, I’ll get over it.

There’s something very Pallas cat about her!

Very pretty cat! Congrats!

Beauty 😍

Omg that is so cute!!!! Congratulations to you both

I love torbies! She is so cute! Congratulations.

Name it bARK rUFFALO

Kittens always need a second kitten friend.

When a cat picks you. take it home. The cat knows.

Look! A big set of whiskers with a tiny kitten attached!

S/he is adorable. Congratulations! 💓

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