We were just informed that we don’t get Dec 24th off.

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put up pictures of the original document in the places it was originally

Damn. I’d be catching a sniffle

Gather your coworkers, dress as ghosts, and start clanking chains outside your boss’ bedroom window the night of the 23rd

EDIT: It has come to my understanding that some people first thought of the KKK and not A Christmas Carol. That is my mistake.

Imagine there’ll be some small print in their HR policies that allows them to renege on such things 🙄

I feel like a lot of people are missing the reason for anger by OP.

It’s well understood that Christmas Eve isn’t a normal holiday off work. That said, when a company has a holiday schedule up for the ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR that says Christmas Eve will be off, it’s understandable and acceptable for employees to be enraged when that shit is changed 2 weeks out.


It always cracks me up / frustrates me when companies are like, you can’t do this, you have to do that. Like, no, I’m choosing to work here, and I can choose to not work here too. I’m not a slave or a serf, I’m an employee. We’re in a mutually beneficial arrangement, and if it is no longer beneficial to me, I can look elsewhere. So would you rather lose me for the day that I requested off, or lose me for the days, weeks, or even months it takes to find a replacement?

Edit: I understand not everyone in every job can do this. And I’m not advocating quitting over every little minor disagreement with management. For context, I’m a hairstylist and during covid, there were multiple months where we couldn’t work, so a lot of people left the industry, that gives me a little more leverage than most people, and I acknowledge that. The last place I worked before my current job was a corporate chain and they just didn’t give a shit about their employees, despite the fact that they had a hard time getting and retaining them. We were constantly short staffed and they would of course try to squeeze as much out of every employee they had. They’d have all these blackout dates during the holidays, they decreased the amount of time we had to do haircuts, they cut commission, they cut receptionist hours. And every time they made some unpopular decisions I would push back and say that if they weren’t careful, people would leave. Finally I’d had enough and I did leave. I didn’t do it at the first little inconvenience. I was actually there for over a year and I waited to leave until I had something else lined up. I’ve been at my current place for over a year now, and I love it. Most of the staff there is long term, which is what you can get when you treat your employees right. Meanwhile, the chain shop I was at before has a completely different set of employees. Sure, they replaced everyone, but clients notice when their stylists never stick around and they have to see someone new every other time.

Sorry, I can’t come in. I already made plans for the 24th based on the printed schedule.

Bah! Humbug!


A lot of people in here have no fucking idea what at will employment is. The US needs better labor laws but unfortunately stuff like this is completely unprotected.

Unfortunately, totally legal if done within a two week notice window. Canada or USA.

Dec 24 isn’t a federal or statutory holiday anywhere. Sucks they initially said it was a day off, BUT they can change it.

Curious… What job or industry is this relating to? If a union job, there may be a longer 30 day notice requirement, or the like.

Edit, added for all the agro keyboard warriors of Reddit… But really are you ok, did you miss your meds today? Calm down people.

1. I stand by my comment: changing the status or schedule within a two week period for a non holiday is perfectly legal, unless you have a specific agreement or contract in place. Dec 24, in US & Canada is not a holiday. The change here centers around adequate notice for a scheduled shift change, which is typically a 2 week window. Some employers put as little as 48hrs in there employment terms/contracts, so just know what you are signing when you accept a position.

2. People are confusing a ‘holiday’ with me saying it is an automatic day off. A statutory holiday, or public holiday is simply higher compensation on that day. If you get it off you generally get paid as if you’d worked normal hours. If you work it, you generally get a multiplier of your hours (1.5-2x, and possible additional carryover hours) depending on jurisdiction. It is fair to point out the US has abysmal support for public holidays, but it depends on who you are to work for. Many employers will give the time or extra pay for the big holidays, but they don’t have to. Sorry if you don’t get it, you are getting shafted (legally). I always ask how holidays are handled, and generally have always had major holidays off or paid up to 2x as a customary benefit. You get to choose who you work for, so… Pay attention…

3. Federal holidays generally mirror public holidays, but specific to federal employees take into account a Monday -Friday work week, with additional provisions if a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, typically a non work day for fed employees. Working days depends on role and jurisdiction. ie: aerodromes are federal, but continuous.

4. Private employers can schedule you almost any day of the year, though must compensate for statutory (read: public holidays for you intransigent American folks). See point 2 on the compensation part. It varies by jurisdiction but most employees are entitled to the time or additional compensation. This is different if you are under some contract, unless specifically called out in said doc.

5. Some businesses are classified as a continuous operation, like some transit, aviation, or hospitality operations. They can often schedule you anytime of the day and any day a year, which they must disclose & you in effect agree to when you get hired. That doesn’t mean they don’t compensate you accordingly, it just means don’t expect the day off work.

6. To the person who said not in Lithuania… Fair play, I’m a US/Canadian dual citizen, I speak from experience in these countries. BUT…. While Lithuanians can refuse to work on recognized public holidays (read: statutory, for any ‘muricans reading) like Dec 24, as noted in points 2,4,&5, you still need to work if you signed a contract that requires it, or if you work a position with non-regular hours (equivalent of ‘continuous operation’ in US/Canada). Google is great at pulling up employment laws from other countries, so thanks for pushing me to learn some new.

7. Reddit isn’t allowing spaces in my edit. The ugly giant block of text above was not intentional. But flame away. Haha

You can probably get it off if you take a vacation day. They probably realized that they would have to pay everyone for the day off. This way they only pay the ones that actually come in.

So sorry to hear you’re going to be sick on Christmas

If you decide to “skip” the 24th, make sure the company doesn’t have a rule about working the day before and the day after a holiday to get paid for it.

My husband’s company contracts to another company that shuts down for 2 weeks over christmas, because of the contract my husband and his workers get that time off paid and that’s the rule for them, you work the last day before the shut down and the first day after or you lose the pay for the entire 2 weeks.

I’m a manager at my place of work and I scheduled myself to work overtime both the night of the 24th and 31st so that my coworkers can have both nights off, and I hate the holidays anyways so it works for me aswell

That’s incredibly shabby.

Most people don’t get 12/24 off, but crappy to change at the last minute.

Worked in the food industry, many tears around the holidays… my employer made it “mandatory” to work holidays…. The amount of call outs on Mothers Day, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve/Day made up a good 25% of the staff. Most just wouldnt show up. No repercussions either… what would they do? Fire all them? Nope. Need them too much. Which then led to favoritism and bred a toxic work environment, plus morale would be at an all time low around the holidays. All the staff who did show up would be pissed at the staff that didnt… which would translate to horrible service for guests… So… shot themselves in the foot every year and continue to do so for being antiquated in their practices. Not to mention they allow their higher ups to just call out on holidays like its no big deal either. Try running a holiday at 2 restaurants with no director of food and beverage. Priviledged. They are enjoying their “sick day” with their family while their staff slaves away without theirs. Glad i left.

What’s up with the format of the sign? Did a teenager make that? I already wouldn’t trust it

It is shitty behavior by the company to announce and then retract a day off. However, unless there is a work contract specifically listing 24 December as a day off, what they did isn’t illegal.

Anyone else triggered by the wildly inconsistent use of dashes, the labeling of Independence Day as “4th of July,” the spacing errors, and the arbitrary switches between blue and red font on Independence Day?

Did a 4th grader make this?

The one time I was told to work on a holiday strangely enough… and unexplainably…. Productivity hit almost zero….

If I owned a business, I’d let people take the day after Christmas off in addition to Christmas Day and Christmas Eve. You don’t enjoy a holiday when you know you have to go to work the next day.

You do if you choose to

Start singing:

*You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch*
*You really are a heel*
*You’re as cuddly as a cactus, you’re as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch*
*You’re a bad banana with a greasy black peel!*

*You’re a monster, Mr. Grinch*
*Your heart’s an empty hole*
*Your brain is full of spiders*
*You’ve got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch*
*I wouldn’t touch you with a 39 and a half foot pole!*

*You’re a vile one, Mr. Grinch*
*You have termites in your smile*
*You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch*
*Given a choice between the two of you I’d take the seasick crocodile!*

*You’re a foul one, Mr. Grinch*
*You’re a nasty wasty skunk*
*Your heart is full of unwashed socks*
*Your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Grinch*
*The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote*
*”Stink, stank, stunk!”*

*You’re a rotter, Mr. Grinch*
*You’re the king of sinful sots*
*Your heart’s a dead tomato*
*Splotched with moldy purple spots, Mr. Grinch*
*Your soul is an appalling dump heap*
*Overflowing with the most disgraceful*
*Assortment of deplorable rubbish*
*Imaginable, mangled up in tangled up knots!*

*You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch*
*With a nauseous super “naus”!*
*You’re a crooked dirty jockey and you drive a crooked hoss, Mr. Grinch*
*You’re a three decker sauerkraut and*
*Toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce!*


July 4- the 4th of July

something expensive should break at work that day.

Everyone is working the 24th it’s not a holiday

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