We Wish You a Merry Christmas – Gator Days (OC)

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The mom mystery deepens…

This is such a genuine and warm feeling towards a person you have once held dear (and he still does despite whatever happened). He’s such a blueprint for a good parent. Merry Christmas y’all!

Merry Christmas to August and Gustopher! Especially Gus, poor little dude. 🥰

And Happy Holidays, one and all!

I don’t think this is some happy plot point to tie in yall, this is just what happens sometimes, a parents decides they made a mistake and don’t want to be a parent and they just leave, it’s sad but realistic

I bet instead of an angel on top of her tree, she has a little August hugging gustopher statue.

Christmas can be hard for many and for many reasons. I wish you all a lovely time and a good new years

As long as Gus got his adoring Dad, Mewbert and good friends, all is well despite the pain.

This.. kinda hit close to home for me. Last Christmas when we were a family together was 2002. I still miss her and still feels like if it was just last year.

It’s been revealed in an earlier installment in this series that >!Gus’ mom is actually still alive!<.

So… do you think >!they’ll meet again!<?

It’s so refreshing that his dad feels comfortable enough to admit such deep feelings, allowing his little one to talk about them too.

Merry Christmas grandma!!

Bittersweet moment

I love this series and all the characters – it has got a wonderful style and the writing is excellent. Thank you!

Despite what differences may or may not have divided them or what choices were made, she gave him Gus. And that’s something to always be thankful for.

Ohhh, so nice!

Awww! the conversation is killing me

I hope Gustopher got to place the star on top (even if he needed some help).

I love your comics. The relationship of the father and son is so realistic. I especially like the father. He seems like he is doing the best he can and not hiding that he doesn’t have all the answers. He is a good role model 😊

so genuinely wholesome




Made me cry. Missing my late husband who died right before Christmas 9 years ago. It’s never been the same.

If you’re wondering (as I was) about his mom… https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/E4qeN5aSos

Fuck, this comic is always on point.



She crossed the road..comment image

They didn’t invite grandpa and grandma over for Christmas?

Mom ran off with a wildebeast.

is it wrong that i hope she’s dead? she’s a ho if she left these two treasures

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