Welcome Froggy to his Forever Home! (Yes I’m aware I’m disabled)

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I hope you and Froggy have a great life together! Lovely photo ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿบ๐Ÿป

Froggy is a terrific name!

How’d you figure?

If your battery dies, you can ride him home.

Hope you have good brakes!

Hi disabled, I’m Dad

How do you pick up froggys poops?

How do you plan on controlling a dog that weighs more than you?

Yellow Froggy! Tell him he is a good dog for me.

You guys look like youโ€™re gonna be best bros!

I am fully aware this comment will be controversial but I have to say it: I think it’s a horrible idea to give a disabled person an aggressive dog breed.

These things can pull and I’ve seen them pull down a fully abled large man to get after another dog or person or whatever strikes their fancy that day. This is an accident waiting to happen. The shelter should be ashamed.

Before you come at me: I’m not going to have any arguments about this breed. They are aggressive and the stats back that up.

This is a huge danger to yourself and the public. Why did you get a large, strong dog that you are unable to control if he decides to flip and bite a person or attack another dog and pulls you down to the ground? Incredibly irresponsible. I’m sick of people thinking pitbulls are dogs that average dog owners can handle.ย 

Doesn’t seem very responsible in honesty to get a dog bred for fighting when you wouldn’t be able to control it if it did go rogue.

Equality means me ripping into you after your dog shits on my lawn, and you cruise right on by.

Your caption… lmfao. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿคฃ Thank goodness, too, because it would have got really weird in here if we had to let you know that you were disabled.

Cool doggie you got there!!

Iโ€™ve never seen a dog with a โ€œwe good?โ€ expression.

Cute doggie! Donโ€™t forget to pick up after him!

What happened to the last pit bull you adopted

Considering the dog weighs more than you, whatโ€™s the plan to stop it when it inevitably mauls the neighborhood children?

Oh, look. Another pitbull the owner won’t be able to control.

“How did you notice you were disabled ?” Greetings from the 3 finger man.

In my head Froggy is short for Froggert

Feeling the need to state “yes I’m aware I’m disabled” proves you are a true redditor.

Are you also aware that Froggy will be the death of you? Because he will be.

If you became a roast comedian you could be diss abled

If your hands work you should pick up the dog poo.

The beautiful thing about dogs is they donโ€™t give a shit

Good doggy

BTW, I’m not sure if you’re aware, but…

Happy for you! But, you guys look dangerous!ย 


Leg disabled?ย 

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