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Real talk : phone storage these days is thoroughly unimpressive

Saying “I’m not interested in women like that”, doesn’t make you in incel. Basing your whole personality around that makes you one.

So Iโ€™m an incel for not wanting to be with someone with a drug addiction? Youโ€™re kidding

Itโ€™s just a buzzword used by people that donโ€™t possess the intelligence to make a coherent point.

So the woman who doesn’t want any of that in a man is an incel too, I guess.

Everyone should have a standard, If you don’t fit in my standard bye

Maybe Iโ€™m old but why are so many men such frail pussies?

Iโ€™m not talking about the traditional macho man bullshit.

Iโ€™m taking about completely detached from adult emotional regulation.

A stranger online disagrees with your choice in women and that has you upset? You gave a strangers opinion enough leverage to warrant a full blown discussion?

Do you not have real life people to talk to? No one is forcing you to fuck anyone. Iโ€™m fairly certain that no one caresโ€ฆ

Some women have a high body count. It doesnโ€™t matter what you or I think. Do you feel powerful pointing it out?

Youโ€™re gonna do whatever you want to do but the entire โ€œbro-sphereโ€ personality type is kryptonite when it comes to finding a woman.

Not all women are for you but being jaded and judgmental will also drive away the type of women you would want.

TLDR; pump the brakes.

How dare you not love that leathery drunk whore for who she is

Have a look around.

*not an incel but makes a meme with humor only misogynists and incels find funny*

listing the body count first does not help

Huuuur body count bad muuuur. Still extremely incell. Strong, independent women will laugh in your face.

Maybe he isn’t an incel but he will be

The lesson I learned, since I joined the internet:
if people complain about their life, write theyโ€™re down or you find something reads depressive, donโ€™t ask how they are, what is wrong or what ever. This sucks especially well knowing there are people out there who feel just a bit better when someone checks in friendly. I fell for this stupid behaviour plenty of times and I still do occasionally and get kicked in the arse three or less comment later. Sometimes people even spam the messenger. Thank you internet.

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