Well, here we go y’all. This ain’t funny. You don’t joke about shit like this in the USA. It’s not a fake, it’s from his Truth Social account.

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From the official White House account. I can’t even.
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France would be burning everything down to preserve their democracy right now…

Edit: spelling *

I’m Canadian what does it even mean? I swear I lose brain cells every time I try to understand what he says

And he posted it to the Offical White House FB page.
comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab206fa491ae2317d1a7c3f0623ee2ad84cbb3c8

It’s up to us now. Stop spending. Remember when George W Bush told everyone to go out and spend after 9/11? We need to do the opposite now. Save money, pay off debt, whatever. Just stop spending!!! When money stops flowing, heads roll.

Can’t believe I’ll have to prep for pre French Revolution era aristocracy…

Is this now enough for impeachment and removal?

The “king” has handed all of our allies on a silver platter to Putin. The absolute worse part that many don’t realize is that since ww2 we have strategically picked our ally’s to create a buffer zone around the US from Russia, and China. That buffer zone is going to be torn down whether it be from the “kings” doing or Russia. One by one either going to leave our security buffer zone or going to be taken down. Thanks Mr “king” for starting the down fall of America.

Lord help you Yanks…. Fuck…. Lord help the entire world, really…. The US Republic’s implosion is taking it all down in real time, in plain sight.

No kings in America.

Even the white house posted it. [https://x.com/WhiteHouse/status/1892295984928993698](https://x.com/WhiteHouse/status/1892295984928993698)
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Better king right here


Confirming this is real (just checked his Truth Social account myself).


r/iam751_boeing has been removing my posts marking them political. But in our union hall meeting it was brought up that the NLRB chair was fired and that if she isn’t brought back we may withhold labor. So idk where that subreddit mods get off taking down my posts. And the sub may not reflect it due to the cuckservative mods but. International machinists union has been ready to take action against the attacks on our rights to organized labor. We will not be bullied.

Historically speaking, kings get guillotines…. soooo, there’s that.

I mean….it is funny because I’ve reached my threshold of panicking and now all I can do is laugh like a crazy person

It hasn’t been funny since 2015 but here we the fuck are.

It’s as if he keeps pushing harder and harder just to see when someone finally breaks or to see what he can get away with.

Dude, you aint the King. Impeach this turd.

Is this an episode from GoT? Ya know, the mad king?

Trump would be the type of person to destroy an empire so he could rule over the ruins

Didn’t Scar get eaten by the hyenas?

I’m confused how Americans rallied together and burned down police stations and rioted across the nation for George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, but when our elected official mimics Hitler, fills his advisory positions with oligarchs and Nazis, fires thousands of people without cause, threatens our allies with trade wars and invasion, puts immigrants of any kind in Guantanamo bay, and calls himself a king while using EO to make himself a dictator….we remain silent?

Protest, call your reps, vote in all your local elections, but we need a BIGGER response especially if the media is no longer on our side.

Why are we bitching on here instead of storming the white house then?

“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty”.

Today, tyranny became law.

I will not stand for this. This is fucking America not north fucking Korea

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You guys are so cooked.

Good luck.

Fuck the king.

it’s so fucking surreal that we are living through this. but none of it is new. we can only move through it now until nukes start flying or heads start rolling, or both. i don’t think the right even know what’s real anymore, they’ve made up so much shit for so long.

He’s a fucking maniac

The “pro 2-A” crowd that has been stocking up to fight tyranny will start shooting any minute now right? Right?

Just more treason.

So are they now going to replace The Star-Spangled Banner with God Saved the Queen?

Since all males are actually female according to a past EO

Wonder where all the “death to tyrants” guys are now ..

The USA has not ever had a king and never will. The heads of kings exist to be severed from their shoulders.

If we are going to do King I want Charles instead.

Pitch fork and torch time

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