Well, that escalated quickly

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When unintentional juvenile auto-defenestration interrupts your drama cookery efforts, so you have to get help for a redo.

It very much **de**-escalated, actually

Imagine sending your child to their room. And a few minutes later you open the door and they are there

When I was a young lad, we just moved to a new apartment, and not everything was 100% finished, so the doorbell wasn’t working. I know I went to sleep, next thing I’m pissing in the apartment building. So I ring the bell nothing, I slam the doors (they were and are these reinforced doors). So I sat there and contemplated what should I do. My aunt lived like 2 minutes from me. So only in underpants I ran in the street from my building to aunt’s. My uncle opened the door, and for a minute stared at me. What are you doing here? Don’t ask. We called my mother, I came home, they tested me for drugs next day, like wtf happened. I think it was sleep walking or something, but it only occurred this one time.

kids can do shit like that and be totally fine but if i fell two stories at 29 id probably fucking die

I know a kid who tried to sneak out of his second story window. He’s foot got caught on the blinds and he tumbled out. He said he woke up on the side of his house in pain but knew he had to get to the front door because no one knew he was outside.

He said he made it to the door. Knocked. His dad answered and was like “son?” And the kid just collapsed.

Turns out he broke his arm and collarbone, ruptured his spleen, and gave him self a concussion.

He just disappeared from school one day for like a month or two. We all thought he died.

She decelerated quickly!

That’s one way to get sympathy and coddling after being bad, I guess.

Goddamn, this reminds me of a former boss’ son who did something similar but fell out a second story window onto a concrete driveway…

Shut up Meg

>Well, that escalated quickly

I’d say it de-escalated

Looks like little Jimmy tried out for Cirque du Soleil, but ended up with a solo act involving gravity and poor decisions.

This happened to my cousin. She was on holiday with my auntie and uncle in a chalet in the French Alps. Had an argument with them and stormed up to her room (she was an angsty teen). They were literally on a mountain side and she figured she could lower herself out of the window onto the hill and then scoot sideways around the edge of the chalet. She didn’t realise there was actually a very narrow abyss between the house and the hillside, which she went crashing down, taking half of the side of the house with her. If her parents had been annoyed with her previously, they were absolutely incensed when they realised how much they would have to pay the holiday rental company in damages!

i put locks on my young son’s sliding window of his upstairs bedroom so it only opens a few inches, (to let cool air in or whatnot), for this very reason. Kids are stupid and a window screen is not going to stop them accidentally falling out the window.

Sounds like a typical plot point for a Shameless episode

Mama told me not to, I did anyway. Misbehavin

I think this was a scene in The Simpsons too.

Defenestrated yourself

Are you dead?

shouldn’t a fall from the 3rd floor be lethal lmao

I would argue it de-escalated

Au contraire, that de-escalated quickly.

This was posted by a cat

Well, lesson learned I hope

…and then proceeded to get into even more trouble for breaking the damn window.

When I was about 4 or 5, I hated taking naps, and my sister was watching me at the time and I wouldn’t stay in my room, so she tied a sheet to my bedroom door so I couldn’t open it. I decided to go out my 2nd story bedroom window, I hung down from my hands as far as I could, then I let go. I came to the front door and wanted to know how the hell I got out, so I showed her and did the same thing.

The kids really know how to make things worse!

I bet they still yelled for leaving the room.

Meg Gallacher? The long-suffering wife of *Noel Gallacher*? Of *Oasis*? Falling out of the window, falling two storeys and LANDING ON HER HEAD would have been a walk through a field of fragrant sunflowers compared to what was to come.

Went downhill fast

My sister was upset that me and my brother wouldn’t ‘let her watch her program’ on TV and thought we were trying to trick her when we changed through the channels and they were all showing the same news report (this was a certain day in September 2001).

So she stormed upstairs and on her way slammed the door, however she realised she wasn’t supposed to soak the door and didn’t want to give me and my brother any ammunition against her when she told us off for being mean to our parents.

So she tried to stop the door slamming by putting her foot in the way of it, it was a glass panel door, it smashed around her leg and shredded it. She went upstairs to her room and was crying loudly. After about 10 minutes me and my brother were concerned because usually she’d calmed down by then.

We went to investigate and saw the broken glass and blood and found our sister in her room covered in blood. We did our best to clean it and called our parents. Neither were close enough to get her to the hospital quickly so our grandad came in his reliant robin (3 wheeler). It had been recently upholstered so he made my sister stick her leg out the window as he sped to the hospital, the car almost tipping on every corner.

Great neighbors

Almost as bad as being thrown off of Hell in a Cell by the Undertaker in 1998.

Let me get this “gay” you fell 2 stories and GOT and rang the 🔔 so you can go back in? Where did you live a single family? Because I live in an attached row home. You fall from my second story an ankle, or knee.. and if you aren’t so lucky a leg will be broken.

This cover version of Tears in Heaven just doesn’t hit the same IMHO

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