Well you didn’t care about all the other times he lied. Too bad

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He lied to them?

He lies to fucking EVERYONE. The asshole has publicly cheated on all his wives and ran a fake university at one point.

Now we’re all fucked bc this country is full of idiots who thought a conman would look out for their interests as well.

That’s not how cons work, dumbass

Given the chance, this guy would vote for him again tomorrow.

He’s GOTTA know that Trump’s a LIAR, right?

He literally has to pay millions because of his lies.
Fox literally has to settle for millions because they repeated Trump’s lies.

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Wait, really? Trump lied? Outrageous and completely unexpected! My head asplode!


Oh no the leopard ate my face, I was not expecting this. Wonder if the union members will personally thank him.

The most documented liar in human history lied? SHOCKING

In 2028 they will support Trump again

But you really stuck it to the libs though, and all those trans folks who just wanted to go into the stall and pee. It will be really fulfilling to watch those fancy new ICE vans take all the undocumented away while you stand in line at the food bank pushed to the absolute limits.

Racism and homophobia isn’t that fun when you can’t pay your mortgage.

Liar McLiarface lies to people again, and they believe him ***again***. More on this shocking development at 11.

And I can not laugh hard enough at you, playing that shocked shit. Lmao. You had ten years to figure it out, a fucking decade of his bullshit to figure the shit out and you’re shocked? Pfffffthahahahahaha

Big shocker. Dopes.

And if they were given the opportunity they’ll vote for him again in 2028

No sympathy at all for these morons. Their racism and bigotry about social issues overrode their logic about voting against the party that was pro union

A known pathological liar lied to you? That must be shocking for you

Do people in hard hats not realize people with money view them as “lesser”?

What did he expect?

I’m sorry but, fuck you. You had all the information before you voted. Now we’re all fucked.

Teamster union leader endorsed him too. Can’t wait to see their reaction when tens of thousands of them get laid off….

Dumbass. Thought Trump had an anti union history. Anti paying his contractors too. Anti American


It’s laughable that this guy feels like it’s a gut punch because Trump lied. I mean how did you not realize the guy is a liar and a grifter before this moment. LMFAO. The country is in the beginning of the biggest FAFO in all of history.

Part of me is like, “please remember this feeling, where it came from and who is causing it so you can recognize it next election”, another bigger part of me is like “but she’s female, amirite??”

You’re a dumb fuck, Jason. Repeat that into the mirror 200 times every morning. Maybe you’ll smarten up. Doubtful but possible.

He lies to fucking EVERYONE.

[here is his office number if any union workers would like to tell him he is a idiot](https://uswlocals.org/welcome-local-2227/about-us/jason-zugai-0)

Too bad for these single issue voters ! I can’t deal with people that voted for Grump in favor of one single thing and decided to forgive / forget everything else he did or said. 

Where in the hell have you been for the last 10 years? You’re surprised he lied to you? Really? JFC you shouldn’t be in charge of a circle jerk. 🙂

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