Went to NYC the 1st time ever and I randomly run into 2 guys wearing the same shirt as me.

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You found your doppelgänger and a white guy

Which one are you?

They look like twins. Their bags do too. You don’t.

Should’ve wore your gray pants and hat

shouldve been touching hands w the other two to complete the fusion link up

I love when older twins still match 🥹 it’s so cute.

Did they ask you to come play with them? Forever and ever?

Lmao, this is cute!

shirt brother, promise me you’ll do everything in your power to never do anything that’s a rule again.

Such a unique and quirky shirt too

Glitch in the matrix. I’m wearing the same shirt right now.

As much as this is awesome….you did wear one of the most likely T-shirts in all of existence. Still i love it!


My uncle ran into some random guy from the other side of the world wearing the same exact Ferrari F1 pit shirt outside the Parthenon in Athens.

No, you saw 1 guy with the same shirt and caused a glitch in the Matrix

Were you all tourists?

I feel like this is the same guy just photoshopped multiple times. Even the shoes match.

I have this shirt

That means ya basic (jk)

I’ve been listening to this new song. By this band I never heard before. And they’re saying there’s no rules. You think that’s true?

Every dad that shops at Kohl’s has this shirt.

It’s the over 40 go to shirt so not that weird

I don’t want to freak you out but have you seen the documentary “Three Identical Strangers?”

This is so wholesome

That’s crazy because they only sold three of these.

You’re in nyc. Dude you can ride a unicycle and run into a group of unicycle enthusiasts.

I absolutely love this post haha

Ross shoppers Meetup

That made me smile!😊

two guys? identical twins?

missed an OREO opportunity

Run into two guys, or a couple?

Love that we see this stuff and our impulse is to get a picture.

I saw a guy at a restaurant when I was on vacation in Gulf Shores, AL a few years ago. He had the same dark blue button up shirt with oranges on it as I did. I was enthralled. Both of our groups ended up leaving at the same time, so I walked over to about 8 strangers just to talk to the guy who had my shirt.

They took a picture with him and me, but I didn’t get a picture myself. Unironically, one of the biggest regrets of my life. I hope they’re doing well.

This is really cute to me. Took a picture and all. Hope you had a fun time out there.




Randomly joined the Crips.


You’re pretty colour coordinated with the rest of your outfit too.

You’re in the matrix bro

Somewhere in my closet I have the same shirt

This is the other half of the “my people need me” videos.

walked into wal-mart and ran into 2 guys wearing the same blue jeans as i was…


Triplets, once-removed.

“Warriors” reboot gang.

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