We’re getting to the exciting part

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The vice president seems pretty upset.

Vice president Don Von Shitzhispantz is clueless as to who is running the country now

That was fast

Taking bets on whether DOGE actually gets formed and codified or will it all fall apart before then?

Hey Donnie, felons shouldn’t be allowed to be president either. Fucking crooked son of a bitch

He wasn’t born here, but he certainly bought his way to success. An American success story is our President Musk, is he not?

So Elon’s calling the shots, Trump’s crumbling, and Vance is … where *is* Vance? Has anyone seen Vance lately?

No shit Elon can’t be president, why the hell do you think he’s presidenting by proxy through you, Mr. Dump?

“Trump is totally shook” yea no, I’d take that with a grain of salt. I doubt he’s actually worried about anything. I hate the guy as much as anybody, but he proved he’s above the law and that he won’t ever face consequences, people calling Elon president doesn’t have Trump “shook” at all.

Serious question: Could Elon actually be Speaker based on this? Speaker of the House is second in the line of succession to the Presidency, after all

[cut to Vivek Ramaswamy polishing a giant “Notice me, President-senpai!” button and attaching it to his jacket]

He’s right for once, Musk cannot be the actual president. That’s why he bought Trump instead. He knows that Trump is easily manipulated and how to do so. That’s why people are calling Musk “president”, because it’s pretty obvious who is calling the shots and it’s not Trump.

I remember when the right was telling us people should be mad because Kamala got the nom without it ever going to the people only for Trump to put two whole ass weirdos in seats of power who weren’t vetted and now get to turbo fuck our government spending


I hope someone calls him VP in a town hall. 😂

Can President Musk change his pick for VP, or is it too late?

This is honestly the most effective way to get rid of Musk, just keep pushing Trump’s buttons and he will crack even more.

Trump never wanted the actual job of president – he just wanted all the fame and immunity from all the crimes.

In modern America, enough money and lies can get anything changed. Stand by for the purchase of the 28th Amendment by Musk. He’ll start offering $10K a core to support that amendment, and the sheeple will stumble over themselves to support changing the law

Shook? You may be exaggerating.

My favorite part might be the way Vance gets buried more and more every time we say VP Trump.

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He hasn’t even gotten to the job yet, he isn’t going to last 4 years of this.


Except Couchfucker is the VP, which makes Trump…. nothing? Elon’s secretary?

Did President Musk give him permission to talk to the media? This seems like insubordination

Elon can be President if he is made Speaker of the House and both the President and Vice President are no longer able to fulfill their duties. So yes he can be President.

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