We’re not mad you’re white….

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Didn’t realize people like Tomi were still relevant.

I am white and I approve this comeback

It’s like Christians. Whites have resorted to faux-victimhood and persecution complex. They regard themselves as an oppressed majority.

white as fuck and agree with the assessment

I’d successfully forgotten she existed until now.

Yeah, as a fellow member of the Honkeytown Chamber of Commerce, let me just say it’s upsetting when someone equates being racist and people telling them to stop with “apologizing for being white.” Neither Mayor McMayo or myself have ever accused a half-time show of being sleeper agents for a Black Panther overthrow of the current order.

Every time someone calls her Tammy, I laugh like I never heaed it before😂

Tammy 🤣🤣🤣

If you want me to be mad because you are white I can give it a shot…

I’m mad she doesn’t know whiteness is a false construct…but the other stuff is accurate too.

To be fair, she’s not entirely white. Her lips are orange.

No one is mad she’s white, we’re irritated she thinks other being who aren’t white getting a leg up on *anything* makes her a victim.

That’s an understatement!

Maybe to Tammy “white” means “racist, ignorant, steaming pile of shit”.

She clearly doesn’t understand the difference between

Actually no, “all whites are inherently racist” according to you

As a white person that’s defended immigrants I’ve been told I’ll be sent to El Salvador for being an immigrant lover even if I am white. These people are psychos to the max.

I think Tammy especially needs to apologize for being a white pos

I’m just gonna assume the “pos” at the end of Tomi’s Facebook tag is intentional, not truncated

If anyone should apologize for being white, it’s her.

Exactly right

When you’re right you’re right.

I once saw Toni buying Halal guys chicken on the street. I mean her job is to shit on immigrants right?

Steaming hot pile of ish 😂

Decent post but it does not pass the vibe check. Why is she capitalizing white? That’s a very white supremacist thing to do.

Dr. Nora … kinda fitting … your a white lady believing you speak for everyone.

Tomi will not apologize for defending Trump after the whole,”Grab ’em by the pussy…” thing either. You are so brave for a privileged young attractive white girl …💯

In her defence , being white is being racist and ignorant.


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