We’re witnessing an all time crash out…😂😂😂

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Does anyone have audio of this voice changing thing? I don’t want any links to Twitter.

EDIT: I found some posts on the “EnoughMuskSpam” sub that have videos of it. Apparently can’t crosspost to this sub, though.

Trump did this same thing, except without the voice changer.

Remember, he called newspaper reporters posing as various people to sing his own praises: [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms_used_by_Donald_Trump](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms_used_by_Donald_Trump)

IIRC, Adrian Dittman was the name he used for his alt account

He really is speed running to the heights of Pathetic-sad Mountain, isn’t he?

It’s so funny how the Far White is always going on and on about Roman Virtues, courage, stoicism, resolve, and all that jazz — and yet they are so quick to hide behind anonymous pseudonyms, fake identities, etc. Where’s the “take responsibility and stand behind your words” ethic?

What a pathetic little manboy he is, a spoiled-rottne Elon Muskoinette playing at shepherds and shepherdesses, trying to masquerade as a normal person while the peasants go hungry.


What a loser

Please let this be true 

Omg WHAT did I miss today?!? 😂

“John Barron” must have given him pointers.

The crazy thing is – he won. He paid 44 billion for Twitter, everyone laughed at him for it, but he ended up using it to buy a presidency. He had the last laugh. The sensible thing to do would be to fade into the background as much as possible, be the “power behind the throne” while reaping the rewards. Being a classless victor would be bad enough but he’s not even doing that, he’s having a full-blown meltdown

No no no. You have to pretend that he’s a genius or he’ll ruin your life.

This is what MAGAs wanted.

Drug fueled wealthy weirdos say and do incomprehensible loony shit.

No matter what he does or how big his bank account he will forever embody the sad sack single father eating TV dinners alone in a studio apartment watching Steven Seagal movies from the 80’s.

I remember doing this… when I was eight years old, reading Sonic the Hedgehog comics while voice acting into a tape recorder.

All that money and can’t buy some dignity

This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?

That can’t be right

“Dittman” appeared on Infowars a few times when Alex was scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for “content” on Twitter Spaces.


Drugs are bad m’kay

This guy wanted to be liked in school so much, if i didn’t hate the dipshit so much id actually feel sorry for him

Elon is what happens when you give an incel money

Big if true

This is so much worse than when he compliments himself from his “Doge” account. So much worse.

I’m OOTL, what happened? Lol. Which account was this?

It’s perplexing how a guy with kids can give off such monumental virgin beta energy.

Sounds about right, in character. Eventually, Xitter will only be him and his alt accounts, they can bore & stroke it forevermore. Foolio.

This is Peter Macalister

_The Faaaather_

Now we know why he and Trumpy are such good pals. Remember Trump’s “secretary” writing that letter about how all the women adore him?

He should have bought 4chan, that’s where he truly belongs.

I seriously think they’re doing all of this just to get our minds off of what our minds should be on. Corporations are really sneaky

What strikes me about this is the richest man in the world is incredibly idle.

President Musk is not a particularly smart person, he bought into success and got very lucky. He has the emotional maturity of a toddler.

For me the most shockingly pathetic part of this whole things is this is one of the RICHEST people on EARTH… and he can’t find a good way to hide his identity and voice? Like really? What the fuck is all that money for?

My 15 year old kid is better at hiding his antics than this guy.

Damn. I didn’t even know that.
But I’m not really surprised.

This is the worst timeline. They never should have killed Harambe.

This highlights another similarly between Muskrat and Drumpf. No matter how victorius they are in life, they still consider themselves to be losers. They will never accept that they aren’t universally admired.

Is this even real? 🤣🤣🤣

Elon is such a gotdamn nerd, BWAAAAHAAAAA!

Hol up what happened???

He is such a snowflake

My question is why anyone still uses his lame platform… are these people fucking stupid?

While you’re laughing about the sock puppet exposure, please remember that Adrian dittman guested on Infowars.

Don’t forget: Peter Thiel hates Elon. You think this is all just happening?

I tuned in last night and was listening to all the idiots argue with each other and calling him out about this freedom of speech he promised that’s he’s not back tracking on.

Some of the people arguing didn’t seem to believe that it was really him but it sounds just like him and I’m not sure Elon himself came out and actually said it was him from the hour or so that I listened to live.

I’ve just been banned for saying “LMFAO” in a post about this. He automatized the bans lmao. Btw it’s the second time I’ve been banned from X this month, first was when I called a nazi, a nazi.

Truly the greatest genius of all time, and definitely not a petulant toddler

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