What a beautiful analytical comeback!

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Undocumented immigrants produce 49% of the food at whole foods, lady.ย 

Does Tomi think immigrants are stealing her food?

They’re literally helping get it to her table.

The right wing sure does love the analogy of liberals making personal sacrifices for illegal immigrants but I sure as fuck don’t see them paying for a pregnant 15 year old’s food, shelter, and medical care because she was forced to carry the baby to term. Nor do I see them taking care of the infant so she can finish highschool.

Tomi and her blue mark of stupidity. After this burn, I would GTFO of twitter. Uncle Elmo can not protect you. You are beyond repair

Iโ€™m in line. I havenโ€™t paid for any of the food yet. Iโ€™ll just go get more.

Is she stupid?

Let’s play a game! Give Tomi an education.

I like how sheโ€™s advocating a crime be committed like all MAGA lol. And migrants are the problem ๐Ÿ™„

I donโ€™t even understand what Tomi (whoever the fuck that is) is saying. โ€œCut them in lineโ€ means what? Like with a blade? Or โ€œcut in front of them in line?โ€ Also, are illegal immigrants taking food out of my hands? Iโ€™ve never had that experience.

Or they can go to the fields and pick veggies for 10 hours for $50 and no health care.

Just a reminder: The Republicans tossed Tomi out the window when she came out in support of a womanโ€™s right to choose what to do with her own body, and they have never invited her back to the Hot Blond Neocon party.

MAGA is always telling their people to violent. ALWAYS!

Walmart doesn’t start at minimum wage. According to Google, they start at $14, almost double minimum wage.

I really dont understand why people are ok with undocumented immigrants making pennies and having no way to pursue legal recourse if they’re abused… its like some people would rather have a slave class than forcing the market to adjust and pay people a decent wage.

Does she somehow think that immigration and cutting people in food lines is connected? Also there is a Whole Foods near my house and there is more white privilege there than a golf course lmao.

lol undocumented immigrants are not working at Walmart for $7.50 an hour. They are picking avocados and lettuce for 3.00 at best.

Look bud

I know that you think these jobs are to brown for us goood honarable white folk

And that they deserve a matching pay

But i fully support raising the wages of these jobs and letying americans of any color do them.

Access to illegal immigrants has allowed heartless corporation to drive down wages through merciless exploitation while they dangle a carrot of hope in from of the migrant.

To start, most dems would be ok getting cut in line if a there was a mother of 9-14 looking frazzled needing to leave the store. I would

I saw a lot of moldy veggies at Stop & Shop lastnight. Already starting to see the results of what idiots like lahren think are good for all of us.

Shannon Watts: “Please don’t take our slaves away from us”.

I did under the table janitorial work with illegals when the union I was in was going on strike (you couldnโ€™t collect strike pay from the union with a second job).

It was hellish how much they expected to be done for a pittance, I was literally running to keep up and working 10 hour night shifts to make about 80 bucks a shift, Canadian.

Anyone who thinks brand new immigrants are taking great jobs is a goddamned moron.

We donโ€™t go to Whole Foods anymore. Fuck Bezos

This is racist. Immigrants are more than cheap labor!

How about this option. I leave the Trumplephuck laying wherever I leave them.

Ha! This is great!

Iโ€™m sorry. In that example theyโ€™re taking food from the cart that hasnโ€™t been paid for yet? I donโ€™t get it.

Does this moron ever win any of her made-up arguments? All I ever see her posts are her getting dunked on

That’s one big family, did poppa get all the daughters pregnant again!

Just her name annoys me. Such a little b**ch.

what’s the point Tomi’s trying to convey?

I cleaned bathrooms. It was a high school job. It teaches you plenty. One main lesson was, I hate this fucking job and want to better myself as to not do it for to much longer.

It worked. It’s not meant to live off of. Entry level jobs are there for a reason and the lazy of us have forgotten that

Why is that job still paying 7.25 after decades? Im sure its not because employers have been exploiting immigrants. I wonder what it would be like now if there were no un documented immigrants to exploit over the last 30 years ๐Ÿค”

Both of these takes are garbage. Whole Foods is mostly served by an immigrant labor force. No one cleans the bathrooms at Walmart mostly because they refuse to hire a reasonable number of employees. They feign hiring, but donโ€™t actually bring in new people. 25 registers, 3 open.

I wonder what the right thinks a “liberal” looks like? How exactly do you spot a liberal?

Needs 10 to 15 people as backup to cut in line? Seems about right.

Only 8hrs? Nah, it’s probably like 10-12. No overtime pay.

It is always funny the way Tomi ties to come off as smart while being a bootlicking chud.

Even in my rural area walmart starts out at double that

I would love to have a farm job or a meat packing job

They refuse to hire citizens.

You don’t even see those jobs advertised.

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