What a crazy time we Live in.

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I’m legally deaf because of measles. My sister is worse. My foster father had polio. This man literally has a serial killer mentality. Playing with road kill is a fairly common sign of it. He’s not a slasher. He’s like the nurse that messes with elderly IV’s for death thrills.

Jesus that went from zero to a hundred real quick

Is the Ivermectin not working or something? Who’d a thunk that was bullshit?

At some point they will ask themselves one question.

“What have I done?”

The buildings on fire.

Unfortunately stupidity has consequences…

Where in the holy hell is Gaines County, Texas you ask? Why it’s right next to Lubbock, Texas. Population 266,000 and where Texas Tech University is located. WCGW???

trump managed to kill a million people during Covid, so yes, make sure we kill a few more now with the antivax movement

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And its the kids who are suffering. Jesus.

Drink the bleach! Drink the bleach!

Ah, the new M.A.D., Make America Dead ( from easily preventable cause )


I wish every Trump voter nothing but misery and pain. Just like they wished it on us.

Good fuck em

Obviously not enough bleach being injected or they just ain’t praying hard enough.

Let them eat cake

Maga stupidity knows no bounds

We should be encouraging Republicans to distrust vaccines and medicine.  Let them kill themselves off.  That’s the only way we can Make America Great Again.

LARGE swaths of White Americans are going to die, and if you have read any Curtis Yarvin, you’ll know this is all a part of the plan. How he and men like JD Vance speak about rural Americans is wild. Using measles as a culling tool is really on brand for them.

If unabated, if there are no quarantines, 48’will turn into 8000 cases in one month.

Don’t get medical advice from a guy with brain parasites. Dummies!

Iron lungs are also coming back into fashion.

Love it 😂


Parents of children who get measles should be locked up for child abuse

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