what a lovely human she is

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I don’t agree. But I wouldn’t waste any time arguing on Twitter about it. Nobody wins that fight.

People who make blanket generalizations like that probably aren’t reasonable enough to have a rational conversation on this topic.

“I want to insult people and get away with it”

The epitome of Kafka Trapping. You’re guilty because you defend yourself against the abuse.


Women who aren’t hoes don’t give a shit if you call women hoes /s

God these fucking comments are so painful to read

Trash men are trash, but not all men are trash. You don’t generalise groups of people as a whole- you don’t do it for race, religion or sexuality, you shouldn’t do it for gender either. Bullshit like this just stirs people up, and if anything prompts even more misandry/misogyny bc people get fucked off. Let people live in peace

I’m more bothered that there are people who are incapable of separating their own bitterness of the world from reality. Not so much bothered that I care to correct them but they’ll have to forgive me for discarding any and all opinions they have on the subject and leave it at that.

I heard this argument but slightly different. “Men who aren’t rapists don’t complain when I say all men are rapists.” The woman was bewildered when I kicked here out of my house

“Yes we’re all trash! You’re so right” the man said as he grovelled at her feet to beg for a crumb of pussy

Yeah I used to have a group of female friends that thought this way and I guess it kind of rubbed off on me. “Why are you getting offended if I say men are trash if it doesn’t apply to YOU?” I used to ask my boyfriend, until I realized that it’s just gross to generalize and talk shit about someone’s own gender/race/religion/whatever in front of them, whether it applies or not.

“Women who aren’t whores don’t give a shit when you say women are whores”

You see how stupid and obnoxious that sounds with the gender reversed? If you’re going to say something that would be completely unacceptable to say about the other gender, maybe just don’t say it at all.

“Women who aren’t trash don’t give a shit if you call all women trash”? Are we in agreement then? No? How come?

As someone who lives with two women who are very vocal about their distaste of men, it does get frustrating when it’s constantly harped on.

Like you make enough blanket statements insulting men, it gets to the point where you question if the silent “not all men, just the bad ones.” is still there.

I tested it a few times and they both get very defensive when I talk smack on trash women without specifically saying that I’m talking about trash women.

Their temperament for the ridicule is much shorter than mine which I find ironic.

Weird people in the comments here excusing sexism. What’s new lol

Idk getting generalized for years gets annoying after awhile, yet they never keep that same energy when you flip the script

Damn lots of r/whiteknighting going on in comments

Call me the n word while expecting me to stay silent is peak stupidity.

That’s also what I think about the main post and all the dudes being “well”.

Fuck that. You’re entitled to make generalization, even to be a bigot but don’t try to paint people being offended as crazy.

And fuck simps.

If you’re here to defend this, first think about being a teenage male with low self esteem in a society that accepts this talk. Nobody should have to internalize this kind of thing.

There’s a difference between shit talking men, and being concerned about men. I understand when women don’t feel safe around men sometimes, but also like… don’t call us trash to our faces and maybe you’ll have some friends?

I prefer the more general and inclusive “people are trash”.

I’m afab and this kind of thing bothers me so much. I have never completely understood why some women are scared of every man because there are plenty of men who would never do anything to anyone. And there are so many nice man out there. I don’t know if it’s just that I’ve actually had good experiences because I’ve been open to seeing the good in men, but I think it’s absurd to say that everyone of one gender is inherently terrible. A lot of people seem to justify it, but it’s just reflecting badly on them.

Spoken by a true piece of trash.

y’all don’t know what this sub is for huh

A man who stands up for other men is never trash. A guy faking like he believes everything she does so he’ll get laid is trash.

Add the word black to the front of that word and tell me if that sentence starts to sound fucked up…

Maybe you shouldn’t make generalizations about an entire group of people or something I dunno just an idea 🤷

people who are defending this, Lets swap men with stuff.

“Muslims who aren’t terrorist don’t give a shit if you call mulsims, terrorist”

“Black men who aren’t criminal don’t give a shit if you call black men, criminals”

“Women who are not Wh*res don’t care if you call women, wh*res”

“Mexicans who aren’t rap*xt don’t care if you call mexicans, Rap*xt”

Suddenly, its racist and Islamophobic and Misogynistic.

When you target a specific group, please indicate that. That’s like the “man or bear” trend. If you mean “grapist or bear”, just say that

The probably do… but who is going to listen

Red flag đźš© keep away

Probably would not pass the gender swap test:

“Women who aren’t trash would not care if you called women trash.”

“women that aren’t trash don’t get upset when you call women whores”

Does this work the other way around? I don’t think it does. So that’s a stupid take.

“Women who aren’t whores don’t give a shit if you call women whores”

And all of a sudden this logic ain’t really ideal.

Still this tweet is 4 years old so maybe she changed her mind

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