What a madlad

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I had a teacher in high school who had told a student to pee in a bucket in a storage room, and the student did. Then the student and her family sued the school district and won.

Then a year later, said teacher got hired to teach at the high school I went to. And then when someone googled our teachers name (it’s a pretty distinct name), they found out about this whole ordeal. Then the faculty was notified and the teacher was let go. Wild times.


Two girls at my school was in different classes and both asked to go to the bathroom at the same time then meet up and went 2 km to a payphone to call in a bomb threat against the school. They went from unknown to popular very fast.

A teacher told me no once (we were just sitting quietly doing our work) so I asked him which corner to use, and if he had some newspapers or litter for students he wouldn’t let leave. He let me use the bathroom.

There was a kid that I went to school with from first grade, all the way through high school. In second and third grade, we sat next to each other. And every day in second and third grade he would pee his pants in class.

We lost contact after high school. He entered politics after college, becoming a city council member and mayor in our home town, then unsuccessfully ran for state assembly. I didn’t know what happened to him after that until a couple weeks ago.

I got a jury summons. I almost died laughing when I walked in the courtroom. There was pisser. *Judge* Pisser. There was no way I was ever going to be able to respect him as a judge. Thankfully I was never called up for questioning during Vor Dior. I sat there all day, thinking about the puddle of piss undoubtedly under his judge chair.

A friend who employs a team of worker dudes told them if they ever shit their pants at work they get to go home. One of the dudes shit his pants on purpose and yep, he got to go home!

Jason realized if you’re going to break the rules, do it with style.

When I was in Kindergarten the bathroom we had off of our room was broken and we had to use the bathroom in another classroom. As shy and socially awkward as I was, this sounded like a nightmare since everyone would turn their heads and look at me when I walked into their room. I somehow convinced myself that my pants would just absorb my pee so I peed my pants right there in class. My pants did not, in fact, absorb my pee and I just left a big puddle on the floor. I didn’t admit it.

Knew a guy who took a dump in a trash can in a classroom during standardized testing for promotion in the Air Force. He asked to go to the bathroom. They said he would be done testing and wouldn’t get promoted. He took matters into his own hands.

Edit: He got promoted. Worth it!

Had a chemistry class with the class clown. He also constantly did this. One day, the teacher said “No.” The clown said he was going to pee his pants, and the teacher told him that if he did, he would clean it up.

The class clown proceeded to stand up and wet his pants for all to see. The teacher took a second or two to collect himself, grabbed some bleach and paper towels, and wordlessly cleaned up the fresh puddle.

Jason woke up that day and chose chaos. Power move but RIP to that chair.

“I’ll pee in EVERYONE’S pants.”

This happened with a girl in my class, also in 8th grade… sub was a hardass, girl had been pleading to go, sub said “just go in your pants if you really have to” – so she did.

Had a father with special needs as context.

There was a kid with special needs in my 3-4th grade class I loved hanging out with. Name was “Toby.” He and I would combine Star Trek with Animorphs on the playground, running around yelling “beam me up Scotty! The Yerks are coming!”

Maybe needless to say, the teacher was under prepared to meet his needs as a student. She was also like 80 so there were many factors against the situation.

Toby, like many people with special needs, didn’t have the best bathroom regulation skills and often asked to go to the bathroom at times people didn’t feel were reasonable, even young people. This lead to absolute blowout battles with the teacher and one day, not believing Toby, or just not being in a place for patience, she yelled at him to “just go in his pants.” And, well, he did. 

We played Star Trek Animorphs at recess like any other day and for neither of us anything new had really happened. But as I got way, way older, and have received Christmas cards from Toby and his mother telling me how much he still misses me (I moved states), I have moments of reflection on how others could have taken that exact same moment I saw very uniquely.

All that to say, if jason is “Toby” in someone else’s eyes 😂, you were always a madlad to me regardless! Misss ya bud and glad Scotty did his job.

Wish I had this dudes stones. Pissed myself when I was 7 because the teacher refused to let me go. They put me in a girls PE kit.

I used to ask to go to the bathroom just to go on 10-15 minutes walks each class just smelling the air and seeing the colors

One time in 4th grade my teacher wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom when I was feeling sick and I ended up puking on her hands and shoes.

I went to the nurse in first grade because my stomach was upset. There was another kid in the nurses office and we were talking, then the nurse said “if you can talk you’re not sick” and sent both of us back to class. I made it just to the door of my room and projectile vomited everywhere. That nurse wasn’t there much longer.

As a teacher I honestly couldn’t care less about my students going to use the washroom whenever they need to. Honestly even if they just need to go for a walk, cool go for it. I’m not a babysitter. I’m not there to tell people when to go potty. Don’t understand teachers who are obsessed by it.

One of the girls in my 3rd grade class would start crying any time the teacher yelled at her. If the teacher didn’t stop yelling, the girl would piss in her seat. The teacher would make her sit in it until break time. Church schools!

I had a kid get up and light a lamp shade on fire. It got out of control and the whole school had to evacuate. I’ll never forget you, Brian N.

I had a dumbass teacher in 6th grade who told every student to call him “the captain” he even made teacher aides who were the SAME AGE as him, call him that name as well. Older now it’s amazing everyone just did what teachers said because we didn’t know better

The guy in my gym class that would take a dump in the urinal .

I knew a preschool teacher who was sharing her most harrowing moments. This one little dude kept asking to use the bathroom, constantly. During nap time, he wouldn’t stay on his mat, he was up walking around and asking to use the bathroom. At this point the teacher decided to call his bluff (not adviseable as she learned) and told him to get back to his mat and just pee in his pants if he needed to go that badly. So the kid went back to his mat and peed his pants.

The parents were outraged, the head of the preschool had to talk them down from going for the teacher’s job, and the teacher herself had to deal with the fallout, both professionally and the brutal ribbing she would take from the rest of the preschool staff over the incident.

A valuable lesson was learned that day: Do not challenge children when it comes to potty breaks.

Rightfully teachers shouldn’t be allowed to stop bathroom breaks but also what do you do as a teacher when your student lies to you constantly to leave and you can’t do your duty to teach them.

Peein your pants is the coolest!

When I was a junior in high school my gf and I used to coordinate asking to go to the restroom at the same time so we could make out in the stairwell.

I am in year 20 or 21 of teaching and in all that time, a peeing of pants has happened one time. This is Middle School.

Thankfully, the only time it happened, the kid had NOT asked to use the restroom, so I hadn’t said no or “wait a couple minutes” or whatever. He just…went on his chair.

My first year, we had a “pooper” who would poop his pants and then stash them, poop and all, in his locker. That…was different.

That teacher needs to be suspended for child abuse

Peeing your pants is like friendship.

Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.

Matt Burgess was my fifth grade teacher and he wouldn’t let this kid named John go to the bathroom because there was only an hour left in the school day. John was literally wheezing in class and tried to go plead with Mr Burgess to let him go to the bathroom and ended up pissing his pants literally in front of our entire class. Hopefully John is doing alright now but he was clearly traumatized from the event and acted totally different the rest of the year.

Kid in my Spanish class would go to the bathroom every class. It was right after lunch. One day the teacher got tired of it and told him no. This went on for a few weeks and eventually said if he doesn’t get to go he will use the trash can. She still told him no. he walked over and peed right in the trashcan. 5 days of out of school suspension and then 3 days of in school. She never told anyone no to using the bathroom again. She did not come back for the next school year.

I had a student just yesterday ask to get water 5 minutes before the end of class. I told her she could wait. She said she was really thirsty. So, I took out a bottle of water from my cabinet and handed it to her. She asked me why I would do her like that. Then set the water down at the table. The bell rang, everybody left, and I went to go pick up my water bottle.

She just wanted a 5 minute head start to lunch.

Yes and then everybody clapped.

This is real, I was jasons pants. The warmth brings a fond memory during these colder months

I get why teachers do that. They are evaluated based on how you perform. If they were not, they wouldn’t give a fuck if you stayed in the classroom. The desire to learn and better oneself has to come from within.

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