What a powerful image

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The respect and love on their faces speaks volumes šŸ’– What a badass to go thru such awful things and still be able to walk tall, head held high.

ā€œFrenchwoman Gisele Pelicot, who survived a decade of sexual abuse by her husband and dozens of strangers, said she hoped her ordeal would help make the world a better place for ā€œwomen and men alikeā€ as her former spouse was jailed for 20 years. Dozens of other defendants ā€” the men who visited the Pelicot family home to rape Gisele Pelicot as she lay unconscious after being drugged by her husband ā€” were handed terms of between three and 15 years. Extensive media coverage was made possible by Pelicotā€™s decision to waive her anonymity and opt for a public trial. Her public stand against her abusers was hailed by supporters outside the courtroom and by world leaders.ā€ šŸ™ŒšŸ’—šŸ’Ŗ

Sheā€™s so strong. New patron feminist saint for sure

To add some context: This powerful image captures GisĆØle Pelicotā€™s supporters, who have stood outside the French courtroom in solidarity with her every day of her ex-husbandā€™s high-profile rape trial. On Thursday, after Dominique Pelicot was sentenced to a maximum of 20 years for aggravated rape, they formed a choir and sang Feminist Fight Back, an adaptation of the 1970s French feminist anthem, Hymn to Women. (Via cbc radio)

Her story: GisĆØle Pelicot endured a decade of abuse in which her husband secretly drugged her and allowed others (at least 83 men) to assault her while she was unconscious. She only discovered the truth after his arrest in 2020. In 2024, she courageously waived her anonymity to testify, leading to the conviction of 51 men, including her husband.

[Say her name and know her story.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gis%C3%A8le_Pelicot)

I can’t even imagine having this kind of fortitude. What an absolute badass.

I wish her love, healing and the absolute best for the rest of her lifešŸ’š

Does anyone know what the blue stripes on the women’s cheeks represent?

Bless this woman <3

I’m glad she stood up, but damn I wish she had received more justice than just 20 years for her main abuser. He deserves life.

I am so worried when the hullabaloo dies down that sheā€™ll have a hard time. I hope sheā€™s got a good support system. That woman is a legend on earth.

This photo is just so powerful. The strength it has taken her just blows me away. She inspires me to be stronger. I hope she is blessed with so much happiness after going through so much!

What a brave human being also.

She should be inducted into the Legion dā€™Honneur for her bravery and service to her nation, as far as Iā€™m concerned.

Could someone please inform my clueless self of who this is? (Apologies if itā€™s obvious)

I no longer watch the mainstream news, so I haven’t heard her name pronounced.

Can someone please give me the phonetic so I can give her due respect when I admire her in discussions?

This all has to be so overwhelming for her

She is an absolute hero. Every time I see her or hear one of her interviews, it makes me cry. She is the strongest, most amazing person I have witnessed in my lifetime. Love her so much!

I love this photo, although I felt *all* the emotions.

Proud of her for being so brave but *so fucking tired* of angry abusive men taking out their fucked up issues on women.

This is true heroism. Thank you for standing up for all of us.

She truly is an amazing inspiration and to refuse to stay anonymous. It’s just incredible.

Vive la femme!

Bravo Gisele!

Iā€™m embarrassed to ask, but who is she?

I’d appreciate some context for the post. Who is this? Is this France btw?Ā 

Claude Lecoteaux talks about how ancestors can become something like saints if linked to a location of power. I feel like we can call her Intercessor Gisele of the Courthouse and invoke her to give women courage and strength when testifying against an abuser.

She deserves every moment

This is such a powerful picture! So many emotions captured! Pride, respect, love, sympathy and joy!

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