What a role model

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My condolences to those who feel they have to look up to Boebert.

I mean, when someone is douchey enough to put their supposed IQ in their name, we should probably avoid their advice. Feels like the ignorant out there would even look at that and go, “he ain’t smart, he ain’t no Elon,” and just ignore him, too.

No one with any actual intelligence puts their puzzle solving score on their twitter. Lame.

I hear if you say Beeltejuice in the mirror 3 times she’ll appear behind you and crank your hog.

Nice, when your daughter wants to go to a Swift concert, you can tell them no, this is your idol now, and just play the video of Boebert giving a hand job in the movie theater for them.

Swift has been serving meals to 1st responders in LA and donated $10 million

The right is so fucking butthurt about Swift. It’s astounding the nonsense they’ll say to trying to ride her coattails.

Look up to being a 34 year old grandma?

Look up to having a criminal son?

Look up to having a spouse who exposed himself to you when you where a minor?

What exactly about Boebert are they supposed to look up to?

I question this humans self-proclaimed “IQ 187”

Scott Greer has a terminal case of fuck face. Also if Lauren Boebert is your answer to Taylor Swift is it any wonder you’re losing the fucking culture war?

What the right needs is a few brain cells to understand how a felon, a scandalous and slanderous wench, should be in a lunatic asylum instead of office.

the only comparison between the two is, female, and red lipstick (in those images)
the right in america is so fucking delusional.

It’s always helpful when someone puts their IQ in their name. You know right off that they are a d-bag and an idiot.

If Taylor Swift were giving out public movie theatre handies, I think the scalpers for that show could retire afterwards.

Lauren is literally a grandma

What a waste of an IQ. 187 is police code for homicide. Murdered by his own IQ.

Yes the high school dropout that had a kid out of wedlock. The perfect republican icon.

… the right does have a Taylor Swift though.

His name is Bob, from Detroit, performs “music” and shoots Bud Lite cans with big guns to own the Libs.

This is all they have to offer up as a role model for young women? 😂😂😂😂

Why do political leaders think they are rock stars? What’s their talent? There skill?

Iq 187?


I am not a fan of Swift, but she is more of a role model than a hooker who got elected into congress. Her and Dog the Bounty hunter aren’t role models.

Been waiting a few years for boeberts onlyfans career to start

Nope. And, Taylor has donated $10 million to California wildfire recovery.

And Taylor is not a 35 yr old grandmother

I don’t think young women need to look up to anyone from The Right.
Hell I don’t think anyone should look up to anyone from The Right.



Does he explain the perceived similarities?

It’s too bad that Scott Greer’s handle cuts off before he lists his penis length.

Also thinking we shouldn’t idolize a 36 year old grandmother who was married to a sex offender…

Sir, you just need to take several seats…

Who is this “Scott Greer 6’2″ IQ 187”? What a strange name.


It’s not that T Swift wouldn’t pass out a handie* in a public movie theater, it’s that A) she’d do it away from kids and B) be more discreet so that it wouldn’t be noticed.

*but yeah, jokes aside, she’d never do this.

Supposed IQ of 187 AND they’re republican? I call BS!

I refuse to believe there is a non-parody account with height and IQ in the account name.

Also: 187. Lol.

The guy who said that has 6’2 IQ 187 in his name. Clearly it’s not worth caring about his opinions

I feel like some of these MAGA brown nosers are deliberate parodies.

Big difference between Swifties and Handies

For someone who brags that he has a genius IQ he seems to be pretty stupid.

I’m seeing more folks likely looking down at the top of Boebert’s head.

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