What a waiter!

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This story is almost believable until the waiter refused a tip for no apparent reason. Went from brocode to just a weirdly intense commitment to saving this guy money.

This is why I prefer to split the bill (I’m a woman). I can order what I want and bypass this crap.

My turn to post next week

You know this is a lie because they guy “went back” to give him a tip (meaning he didnt tip initially) And the waiter declined a tip? Lmfao What a bold faced lie

Lol this tired old lie of a post.

My dude is so broke, even his tip got declined.

Tired of hearing this one.

Men, I think sometimes it’s easier to just say, “sorry I can’t afford that.” It will save you a lot in the long run

I hope he took home that waiter. He’s a keeper.

“What’s your most expensive drink?”

You end the date right then and there, she’s not the one.

Also, FTR, taking someone out to eat, especially to an expensive restaurant is such a rookie play. Grab a coffee and go to the park, you could end up despising each other within the first 15 minutes.

That waiter deserves a medal for ‘Services to the Brotherhood.’ Absolute legend. Man really said, ‘Not on my watch, sis.’ Ultimate wingman energy! 😂

Seems lot of guys have that story lol…Did they date the same girl 😉

That’s also just weird. At most of the upscale cocktail bars I’ve been to, their most expensive drink is a whiskey or bourbon base. I don’t like dark liquor. Why not just get a drink you like?

It’s just plain stupid how people these days get offended if a woman wants to have the guy pay the bill for once even if it includes having the most expensive drink or food whatever..I don’t see anything wrong cuz me being a woman can afford to pay my own drink or take the guy out on a date …and if you can’t handle something expensive u should make it clear before the date itself that you are on a budget for whatever x y z reason rather than finding stupid faults like this.

I guess we don’t want to ask what the worst thing a man has done on a first date is.


That’s something I’d do just to try a novelty drink and pay for it myself. But I’m neither single nor a woman (retired 10 years ago) so 🤷🏻 always hated the transactional feeling to dating.

The waiter owns the restaurant and secretly funds the Bro Code.

what a freaking chad

W waiter. Also she didn’t come for a date, she came for a nice free meal.

It always baffles me when I hear about people acting like that and, like, basically extorting people. Like, bro! Are people just not being taught manners and commen decency nowadays? I would NEVER behave like that, I think if I did, I would suddenly drop dead. The cause? SHAME.

Like there are rules and etiquette for a reason.
If you ask the other person out = you pay for both / you split the bill (but this has to be a discussion before

If you are asked out = either you know you are paying / you are getting treated.

(Pro tip: have multiple options ready and let them order first so you can make sure you’re getting something cheaper than them–with drinks and food)

If you are getting treated, you check prices on the DL and get something cheap (also why I sometimes eat at home before going out)

They are doing you a favor, and so you thank them (obviously by thanking them verbally, but also) by being gracious.

This should be common knowledge, and I like mentally blocking out the fact that it’s not, and it’s still shocking every time! I think a part of me is hoping that’s it’s all a joke… the only reason I could ever condone this is like if it’s your parents or you paying, that’s it.

I don’t think I would care about a date
Asking about and ordering the most expensive drink. My goals for the evening would change that’s all.

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Not all heroes wear capes.

The bro code never fails to deliver

That man is a hero

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