what an absolute W from the Rivals devs 🙏

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Our trip to the gulag has been delayed until next season

Very impressed to see how they handled the criticism, I’m honestly shocked

It has to be said that these devs really listen to the community, like this was fast af

Damn. Devs adjusting faster than some teammates do. Kinda impressive.

Wow a company that listens. Might buy a skin now

Job well done. All involved deserve our thanks


Devs that actually listen to thier fanbase is this what 1960s Mcdonald burger taste feel like

wait so the sue skin and the crescent banner rewards will be out after the first half of the season?

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Took apex more than a week for them to revert those god awful battle pass changes. This only took a few hours❤️.

Holy shit. I am surprised they backed off on that so quickly. Huge W

Holy shit??? 😭


Huge W

W Devs

They didn’t just admit their mistake, they made the change within 24 hours. That’s very refreshing to see

Massive W

this is awesome!! all too rare in these days to find large-scale devs working with such a large IP to have this kind of response to things. I’m glad to see this

I had no problem with the previous decision but the majority has spoken and it’s genuinely feels good to see they chose to listen. 

Two ranked reward skins? I’m not complaining

i guess if enough people say something change can happen with this game

devs are fucking cooking. awesome that they listen to community feedback!

What a relief… bright future for this game if they continue to listen to its players

Ngl… im so impressed.

I love the fact that they listened so fast ..

Daaaamn that was fast, I don’t think I’ve ever been this impressed by devs before lol 

Wow a big company that actually listens to player feedback??😱😱 That’s unheard of!! But for real though they keep cooking with this game, great devs

Lol I didnt expect this and its honestly amazing news. So fcking glad that devs that actually listen exist, keep up the good work if you are reading this guys!!

Also give me more skins for Adam Warlock and (release) Ultron so I can support you with my wallet, Id be actually glad to since you deserve it!

W from the devs absolute L for everyone who was trying to perform mental gymnastics defending them in the dev chat thread.

nice, this just made me keep playing rank, I just got platinum3 and didnt feel it was worth trying to get diamond if I was going to get pushed back to gold

I love this community


common RIval Dev team W

It’s great to see the devs listened to the community. If I’m reading the details right, since there’s no rank reset, anyone at Gold III and above will automatically get the Gold skin for S1.5 as long as they play 10 matches, even if they drop in rank?

I always wonder how much of the feedback they’re taking onboard from the Western audience, versus the Chinese, given this is a Chinese Developer, and that’s where their focus is going to be, especially with their massive market share and player population in the mainland.

Does anyone know what the reaction to the Rank Reset was from the Chinese player base? Were they just as against it?

I just have a horrible feeling we keep getting the warm fuzzies with the “Devs listened to us!”, when the reality is it was the Chinese players who got the dial to shift, and we’re unknowingly patting ourselves on the back without really factoring into the actual decision making process much at all.

That’s nice, kinda feel bad for the unemployment pros tho

Will they still give out the second half skin for hitting gold rank even though theres no second half rank reset?

Now they just need to remove the bots.

Are we still getting reset rewards? (New gold skin, etc)

Holy shit I didnt expect this. They actually listened?????? MASSIVE W

well that was fast, nice


Yes. T_T

Wow, they actually listened, I’m impressed

Thank God I only get to play weekends for a couple of hours a night. Also, being two matches from diamond with a reset would have been a kick in the nuts.

Ngl it’s very refreshing quitting League due to how the company was running it, to now playing a game where it feels like the devs actually give a fuck about its playerbase. Absolutely love to see it.

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