What anime trope do you hate the most?

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MC outshined is honestly a great trope IMO.

Forgotten side characters

Forgotten side characters, easily

I have no problem with fan service, haven’t encountered many offscreen fights, the mc being out shined at times can be good, as can the power of friendship

How many times will this be posted?

Offscreen fights

Forgotten side characters.

I love when the MC is outshined what are you talking about

The MC being outshined is perfectly fine, it gives the spotlight to side characters who usually wouldn’t get any.

The Power of Friendship is an overused cliche, but a lot of the best scenes in anime are a result of the Power of Friendship.

Fan service is alright if it isn’t overused to high heaven.

Offscreen fights can be excused if they happened in the past or if it’s two lesser important characters fighting amidst more important characters fighting.

Plot holes can be confusing, but rarely actually affect the enjoyment you have in a show.

Forgotten side characters are easily the worst. It can be agonizing to see your favorite side characters get constantly pushed to the back line in favor of the main characters. Especially if they tease that character over and over, but never give them any moments to shine.

fan service

this ruins the experience of many female watchers , i hv so many frnds who think anime is way to sexualized

sometimes a good story is overthrown by the amount of fan service present

Off D screen strikes again

offscreen fights definitely.

Power of friendship

Plot holes

mc outshined is fine if well written ,power of friendship is the “turn your brain off and enjoy the plot” moment, fan service is?fine? i guess, plot hole can be annoying but the author probbaly has 100 thing planned and can’t fit them all, offscreen fights is horrible if it’a huge one or one with emotional issue, forgotten sc is the worst of the worst since it’s basically cutting of the universe to center around only the mc interest

Power of friendship needs to die

Im kind of tired of everything being resolved with the power of friendship, to be honest.

Lets see more stuff like ninja kamui where the characters are fueled by hate.

School romance too used need more adult time romance

Yk? Fanservice is like chlorine in your drinking water. You need just a small and specific amount. Any more and it just poisons the show.

Ah..One Piece. The king of off-screen fights. Blackbeard the true off-screen devil fruit user.

Fan Service, Plot Holes, and Forgotten Side Characters

Fan Service because that’s what modern anime is

Plot holes because that’s not good for story

Forgotten SC because what if the fans remember they’d be fuming

Power of Friendship

I actually love mc outshined

All of these are pretty bad, but offscreen fights take the cake.

Forgotten side characters 😔

plot holes really bother me a lot.

The “Accidental Pervert.” I know it’s for comedy but it’s just gotten old for me. I remember one where the guy caught the girl from falling to what could have been her death, but because his face was in ber boobs from the landing, she punched him. I’m not fond of the super pervert tropes either, but this one has just worn on me.

PoF and fan service when used to the max make amazing stories and power systems absolute bland.

Fairy Tail is the best exemple of this.

Forgetting sc and off screen fights

Fan service just ruins the whole anime
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Plot hole and shined MC like in bleach where ichigo is stronger than goku

How mc getting outshine is bad?

Gotta be fan service. I wouldn’t mind so much if it wasn’t almost always school girls.

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