What are they really for?

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They’re FOR making as much money as they possibly can for themselves.

They’re for greed, fear, and cruelty.


Gun ownership

White male supremacy

Christian nationalism

Believing if they join the “movement,” they will also get to be part of the money gathering

Two words; personal gain

Trump, and anyone who wishes to use him to make money. He has sold out this country for a dollar.

Hate and greed.

That’s it.


Making money for themselves, taking power and making sure people that donโ€™t agree with them suffer immensely

They are for white male privilege. When you hurt every other marginalized group, the result is that you elevate straight while males.

MAGA followers defend the rich because one day they also want to be rich.

MAGA leaders tell their followers that other groups are preventing them from being rich while creating rules that will prevent them from ever becoming rich.


They are literally for sale

There are 3 kinds of GOP voters at this point. The hateful, the greedy, and the stupid. They can be more than one of those but they are at least one of them.

“Stop calling conservatives stupid, that doesn’t win any votes”

No, they need to know what they are. Fucking morons who vote against their own self interests.

Narcissismโ€ฆโ€ฆ.Narcissism & Greed defeated Competence & Empathy in the 2024 presidential election


If you agree with the “Fuck you, I got mine, (*but quietly still benefit from public infrastructure and services*)” philosophy that has spread like a plague in this country, then *that is who MAGA is for*.

The party is an avenue for people with no character and a genuine disdain for their fellow Americans to mask their prejudice, lack of empathy, racist, sexism, mysogony, cruelty, greed, nationalism, fascism, and channel it all into something that only has the appearance of something constructive. These people are a rot, no different from cancer. They are not going to turn this country into anything good.

They are for them selves


I asked my buddy this last week. His response: โ€œI voted for free speech and accountability.โ€

I canโ€™t think of any administration that would value these two things less. Weโ€™re surrounded by morons.

Hurting people.


I am absolutely dumbfounded.

The following comes from an article I just read, put out by CBS NEWS:

By Anthony Salvanto, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus
Updated on: November 25, 2024 / 11:19 AM EST / CBS News

President-elect Donald Trumpโ€™s incoming administration starts off with mostly good will from the public: a majority of Americans overall are either happy or at least satisfied that he won and are either excited or optimistic about what heโ€™ll do as president.

Trumpโ€™s handling of his presidential transition gets approval from most Americans overall and brings near-universal approval from his voters, along with a net-positive response about his selections for Cabinet posts, in particular, Sen. Marco Rubio, who is Trumpโ€™s pick to be secretary of state.

I am curious to know if you know MAGA people who share this excitement?

The MAGA people I know are:

a.) STILL FULL OF RAGE (Which I donโ€™t understand, because their candidate won)

b.) NOT SAYING A WORD (Which makes me feel like they are now regretting their vote / and may be embarrassed by not doing their research)

c.) EVERYTHING IS STILL A CONSPIRACY THEROY (Which makes me think they are living in a completely different universe than I am)

They’re for owning the libs. That’s about it.


White males.

Installing a theocracy with their god-emperor as the head. Iโ€™m curious to see just what happens when he finally shuffles off this mortal coilโ€ฆ

They’re FOR feeding to the leopards that they worship in hopes they are full by the time they claw their way to the sane people.

To the pain!


dismantling democracy and selling it off to the highest bidder

Anything suitable for 1963 America. Basically, just rewind the timeline and reboot the America franchise without the hippies, all the gender equality mumbo jumbo and that infernal civil rights act.


They’re for REVENGE.

they won’t accomplish anything, but lots of golfing and revenge efforts and stupid stuff.

Nothing will actually be accomplished.

White supremacy


Owning libs.

Let’s not be so obtuse that we ignore what they literally told us they’re for. The reduction of people they dislike or who don’t play criminal ball, and lining their own pockets with their fanboys’ and fangirls’ money – that is what they are for. They told us.


White, rich, Christian, straight cis men. If you are not all of those things, itโ€™s gonna be a bad time for you or someone you know but most likely both.

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