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In 6e, it’ll be renamed Xungeons & Xragons.

Brennan Lee Mulligan was right… capitalism was the real enemy all along.

1. He’s trolling. He likes trolling, because he can make stock values fluctuate just by trolling.

2. He’s serious, in which case he’s going to spend WAY more money than he should, because he won’t settle for being a minority stockholder, and he will make a bunch of people rich in order to gain something he doesn’t really want in the first place, but he’ll take a while realizing it. In the meantime, he’ll burn a whole lot of expensive IP making mistakes that Hasbro already made at least once, but Elon won’t listen and he’ll make all the same mistakes because he is Elon and he knows better than you silly little mere mortals.

This will lead directly to the loss of a LOT of value for Hasbro, the re-alienation of the D&D fanbase, the rise of the OSR movement and the retroclones, a lot of value for Paizo and Pathfinder, and the ultimate realization that you can’t really own D&D because those of us who are already there have known it for years.

And then Elon will pitch a fit because the stupid doodoohead nerds aren’t doing what they’re supposed to. Don’t you insects realize who you’re DEALING WITH? I AM ELON MUUUUUSK!

Everyone likes to say it cannot get much worse. Elon will prove you wrong.

I’ve never had a dog in the Pathfinder vs. DnD fight, but I would definitely get one if this chode bought Hasbro.

This would be the worst thing to happen to D&D and that’s saying a lot.

I know who my BBEG would be until the day I die.

Critical Roll & D20 would absolutely drop DnD from their shows instantly. Anyone who’s even REMOTELY familiar with Matt & Brennan knows this. Matt could hesitate but Brennan would come out swinging.

Theres very little keeping players around these days and I guarantee you this would be the nail in the coffin for WoTc.

I mean hell, half or more of the talent that DM for them would drop. Musk would hire some cringelord anti-woke DMs that have zero charisma and Id wager they’d have some DISASTROUSLY bad sessions where people piss people off or live play some top tier DnD horror stories.

That WIS and CHA are his dump stats, and I hope he makes a critical failure.

Anyone kinda wanna like…bring back what the French did to all their royalty?

I would rather choke on a cactus.

The guy is very pro ai…

Who on earth would finance him to purchase Hasbro after the boondoggle of the Twitter purchase, which has done nothing but shed value and users?

Elon is stupid rich, but almost none of it is liquid. It’s almost all valuation-based.

Sounds like the kick in the ass that would finally send me to Pathfinder.

God DAMN it! No.

This guy ruins everything he touches!

The man buys anything that isnt a therapy session, gsus

He can fuck all the way off. And then fuck off some more. That’s one of precious few things where I’d block the entire IP out of my life just because I’m sick to death of that man.

Just doing this much is him laying the Reese Pieces to the chuds to make the entire discourse around D&D rancid. Get ready for Ben Shapiro and other people who truly never gave a shit about the game to start weighing in on how the game is being ruined by the liberal agenda.

Him buying hasbro and even running it into the ground doesn’t stop me playing 5e with the physical books I already have.

At this point “5e” is so well understood that it’s now more of a game/story ‘platform’ than in intellectual property.

If hasbro went under tomorrow, I can still see people playing 5e 20 years from now.

Homebrew games only.

Billionaires should not exist

I fucking hate corpos. We should nuke Tesla


My thoughts would get me suspended from most websites.

That would be the nail in the coffin. The community has been rocked in its tolerance for wotc multiple times in the past few years. This would immediately kill any interest in maintaining this format at a time when there are alternatives. I’m sure it wouldn’t disappear, but it wouldn’t be alone at the top for much longer.

He doesn’t want to ‘save dnd’.

He wants to be popular.

Painful to watch.

The new edition will be D&D X.

He’s going to make Dark Sun the base setting.

One of the sorcerer kings will be some weird self masturbatory insert for Musk. He will be edgy and mysterious.

There will be different stat bonuses for male and female characters. No options or exception! And no playing outside your IRL gender!

Musk might actually buy a decent online tabletop and get that going, but at the cost of him crashing your game like Anarak in Ready Player One. Adoption of the online platform will be mandatory.

In game gold will be tied to a crypto currency.

He couldn’t possibly run it any worse than it currently is.



Bad. Bad bad bad bad bad.

This concerns me a lot more as an MtG player than a D&D player though. D&D can exist on its own and does not need to follow the whims of Hasbro or any corporation. Most people in my circle have almost completely divested from WotC D&D content already between racism and the OGL fiasco (both of which are great examples of shit that will get worse & more plentiful under Elon’s leadership). Obviously I want what’s best for the game, but I also know my own experience of it isn’t really tied to what’s going on at WotC headquarters

I’d stop buying anything DnD but I already own the books and know how to play so… It really wouldn’t change much for me.

That being said I’d hate it just because I hate that a rich asshole can just buy my hobby because he’s equivalent to the stupidest god emperor in history.

Gross. A Neo-Nazi should not own DnD

Fuck that piece of shit manchild. If he buys it, 5.5e will be the last thing I purchased from WotC.

Can he just leave for Mars? Maybe taking the orange dude with him… sorry Mars.

If he does, it will be the greatest thing to happen for the creation of new role playing games. Just like purchasing of twitter caused a mass exodus and explosion of Twitter like social media platforms.

He’ll also be completely powerless as people continue to play old editions, new TPRPGs, and ceate their own home brew rules. And generally keep the real spirit of DnD alive without him.

He could buy all the game publishers in the world. And he’ll still be powerless as to what you roll with at your table.

I can’t think of a quicker way to kill the game. Next edition would borrow heavily from FATAL. All classes and abilities would be micro transactions. Rules for immediately removing any PC using the term “cis” or any pronouns.

Why doesn’t he create an original RPG instead of buying D&D and f***ing it up?

can we publicly execute him

Fuck no. I don’t need the last two good things in my life ruined by a petulant manchild with no sense

Every campaign will now just be a weird sexually charged game of monopoly. There will only be one race, gender and class to choose from. Trust me, you’ll have way more fun with less choices. None of that woke shit.

Keep that piece of shit out of our hobby.

I hope he chokes on a bag of d!¢ks.

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