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i believe it. a lot of men(and women but mostly men) take the first rejection to heart and think they arent lovable. it doesnt help that humans can be exceptionally cruel.

They had to nerf me for the plot ๐Ÿ˜”
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Skill issue

Real talk though itโ€™s tuff, but it gets easier the more you go out of your way to have regular positive interactions with no expectations of anything further. It helps with confidence a lot

And this is why women should start approaching the men theyโ€™re interested in, because the guy might not have the confidence to come to her.

It’s difficult to when you get posted online to be mocked and laughed at for even trying

As someone who has been skydiving more than 100 times, I’ll say:
1. Skydiving is way easier than dating.
2. Skydiving doesn’t help for dating. I put pictures skydiving (by myself, no tandem) on my dating apps hoping girls would find it impressive or something, but none of them seemed to care.

I have dated and been in relationships btw, I’m just saying skydiving is easier.

Yeah a lot of people ask others out on dating apps and social media. You donโ€™t walk up to a random girl in person and say โ€œhey let me take you outโ€ thatโ€™s how you get pepper sprayed and labeled a creep.

If you go skydiving, the worst thing that can happen is you die.

Yeah, men have been told that itโ€™s creepy to approach women (which in many cases, it certainly is) and that mantra created this disparity. So women are getting what they want, which isnโ€™t fundamentally a bad thing, and weโ€™re shocked about the result?

I always figured asking someone out was a movie thing, it feels so unnatural to me. My current and previous gfs were all women I was friends/friendly with that I just spent more time with until we acknowledged we had feelings for each other

I never did it, but thatโ€™s just because Iโ€™m gay

I blame deep rooted patriarchy and stupid gender roles for this. Society expects men to make the first move and most of us would not take risk of being laughed at or being called creep even.

There’s no sign of changing anything. AI roleplay is the future, because AGI is coming regardless.

Fear of falling to oneโ€™s death is more acceptable than the fear of being rejected

Dating apps need to be banned.

They have inflated expectations to an absurd degree, have destroyed self confidence AND they commodify human relationships (late-stage capitalism if Iโ€™ve ever seen it).

Also, instead of focusing on suppressing specific political speech (depending on which administration is in power), social media platforms should focus on cracking down on rage-bait, which brings out the worst of both genders.

Iโ€™m too scared to be seen as a creep

Making someone uncomfortable with my presence is one of my biggest fears, Iโ€™m not doing that to a stranger

This seems odd. Gen z guys approach me frequently. Iโ€™m not even that attractive.

I’d definitely find it much easier to throw myself out of an aeroplane than ask a women out.

i have a lot of female friends and they all have horror stories about men being weird when asking them out. im autistic so not always sure how i come off and also really nervous around people I’m attracted to which i think is a really bad combination since im not trying to end up blasted on tiktok for just trying. taking advice btw

So how many women aged 18-25 have never asked out a man? Amazing that the pressure is ALWAYS on the man. I think itโ€™s pretty accurate and the percentage is probably higher than the past but not substantially higher than previous generations.

Thereโ€™s data on how many women ask out men around 30%. Amazingly, the data isnโ€™t โ€œfeasibleโ€somehow for women never asking out a man. So going by that data, 70% of women aged 18-25 have never asked out a man.

In my entire life I’ve only ever asked one woman out. Then after the date she told me she had just gotten out of a relationship and needed some time to figure things out. I said “Yeah that’s totally fine staying friends for now is no problem at all I had a really good time with you.” Then she ghosted me. Will not be asking any other women out.

Honestly, it just doesn’t seem worth it anymore.

โ€œThe worst she can say is noโ€ is no longer true. And we all know it. So I donโ€™t doubt it. Training yourself to give no fucks is becoming a lost ability.

In person is dangerous.

I’m not surprised.

People in general are discouraged from approaching anyone in public unless you are at a bar or club. I even see takes occasionally being like “Don’t ask out your female friends because you’ll ruin the friendship” so I wouldn’t be surprised if that kind of mentality also contributes as if you are friends with someone… you are unable to enter a romantic relationship with them or even consider it for ??? reason.

Their only options are dating apps and dating apps are honestly shit for everyone involved.

Social pressure coupled with this weird idea mass media has created where youโ€™re a creep if you talk to women but also youโ€™re expected by society to make the first move, while incel culture basically tells you women are evilโ€ฆ

TL;DR itโ€™s social media. Men are more socially anxious now

Well if the results range from “nah I’m good” through public and internet mockery, to actually life ruining, are all relatively likely, the risk outweighs the possible reward.

Iโ€™ve been told by reddit women donโ€™t want to be approached. I literally have it in my history comments. It was a while ago. But itโ€™s there.


It’s 99/1 chance of rejection/success

I’d rather try in dating apps and save myself from the awkward situation

Going on day two of this discourse, and with a whole new post. Congrats

Some online streamer said it best one time. Can’t remember who.

“You can get a guy to climb the empire state building before he’ll talk to a woman.”

More men(especially at our age) are openly gay, and we grew up in an era when the popular message was for our moms to “train” the “toxic masculinity” out of us. Women aren’t on the planet to serve you, so what gives you the right to approach her in public.. so on so forth. Then add in cell phones with cameras/tiktok to the mix. Now you can easily be blasted online for millions to judge if someone’s filming. It’s a wonder that 55% *have* asked out a woman in person, and more likely than not, they were already friends. At least with online dating, you’ve both given consent to be approached in that regard. You can reasonably assume that you’re both on the site for that purpose, so you can make your move without the fear of being blasted as a creep.

Most men are too undesirable for most women

Doesnโ€™t shock me, ppl just donโ€™t do that anymore. Iโ€™m 30 and have never asked anyone out or approached anyone irl.

Gays don’t have this problem. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

99% of women age 18-25 have never asked out a man in person

Count me in that equation, been asked out but don’t consider myself good enough to go ask someone out just because introverted, no self-esteem, and a long history of depression.

Why did Gen Z listen to the boomer generation about the future?

My nephews always tell me that them saying no isnโ€™t the worst thing that can happen anymore, theyโ€™ll be shamed or ridiculed on a public scale now

Sad statistic…

Iโ€™m a millennial who worked as a bottle service girl, and damn times have changed. These guys use to try 99 times to get one yes, but they damn sure didnโ€™t let the 98 noโ€™s get them down.

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