What beloved movie/TV show character is actually an asshole?

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Wow. No one has said Dr. Gregory House. I love the dude, but he seemed to cause more issues than fix them.

100% Carrie Bradshaw. Mainline runner for the show and movies and then another show, and bless her, she’s the worst.

Edit: I don’t want to hear any nonsense about SJP as a person. She’s a fine actor and that’s part of why her character is so difficult to love.

The *entire cast* of Succession especially Roman Roy

Walter fucking White

Steve Urkel is the biggest asshole. All the times he fucked up the Winslow house…he should’ve bought them two new ones.

Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

Pretty much every single character the audience is supposed to root for in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul while the unlikable characters are reasonable in the real world. Incredible shows.

It’s okay, Chow die but he come back

Ted Mosby

Clark Griswald from National Lampoons Vacation.

Sheldon Cooper is a manipulative and abusive assbutt

Grandpa Joe, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory

Biggest A-hole in cinema history!!

The baby!?

Ray in Everybody Loves Raymond. There’s a lot of things I love about the show but he grates on me so much and he’s a huge jerk. The whole weaponised incompetence thing was never really funny.

Alan Harper: Two And A Half Men.

Alexander Hamilton. Psycho workaholic. Bad husband. Even worse dad (got your son killed in a duel). Tormented Aaron Burr so much he got Luigi’d.

Mrs. Doubtfire

Zack morris is trash

Mr Roarke in fantasy Island had quite a mean streak in his goal to teach a valuable lessons. Some of those are straight torture.

Basically any animated sitcom dad. They normally have a few things to redeem them but overall most are a huge problem to everyone around them.
This goes for most animated sitcom characters but the dads are usually the worst

Bugs Bunny. Just can’t stop f*cking with people who are trying to go about their business

Tony Soprano

Ferris Bueller takes the #1 spot by far.

Michael Scott.

The actor’s behaviour has superseded this now but… Lester Burnham in American Beauty.

I loved the character as a teenager. I feel now like the definition of growing up is watching that film again as a mature adult and parent and going “what an actual prick”

The main characters in Seinfeld are all really jerks.

Homer Simpson

Bill Murray’s character from “What About Bob?”. He’s a sociopath and master manipulator who used his mental illness as a crutch while completely ruining Dr Marvin’s life (Richard Dreyfus) and taking his family from him.

Barney Stinson (How I met your mother). While he softened in later seasons, he was an asshole for the vast majority of the show. He was hilarious to watch though!

Rob Lowe (Billy) in St Elmos Fire. Literally tries to rape Demi Moore on the sidewalk. (Also Emilio Estevez in the same movie, who psychotically stalked poor Andie McDowell to her cabin in the woods).

Rose in Titanic, for throwing the diamond in the ocean when she could have given the money to her kids or a charity

Ross. Such a POS.

Mrs Doubtfire

The wife was totally right for wanting to divorce him when they can’t even have a convo about him being a deadbeat until he does some zanny carton antics nonsense in a serious and adult conversation

and Pierce Brosnan’s character was def a much better partner and imo even a better father figure to the kids than the protagonist was.

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