What black actor would voluntarily take the role for Tarzan?

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The thing is, they’d probably make Jane who’s Black instead of Tarzan. Kinda like the fairy in the live-action Pinocchio

They kind of already made a live action Tarzan. It’s called George of the Jungle starring Brendan Fraser, and it’s fantastic!

Lol they only change race when it doesn’t look bad on the company šŸ¤£


Make him Asian

They’d make everyone black EXCEPT for Tarzan. And Clayton, of course, cause bad guys can’t be black.

Mowgli must be gay.

Tarzan isnt black

They would

Heh heh heh

Kevin hart or (if itā€™s a white guy) Seth rogen


Sony owns Tarzan, not Disney.

Robert Downey Jr?

Iā€™d argue that Tarzan being a white guy is a significant part of his story.

A white guy in a deep African jungle is a notable anomaly, a black guy not so much.

Also Tarzan turning out to be the son of European nobles is a significant part of his backstory.

All that said, do whatever. Iā€™m not emotionally invested in the whiteness of a century old pulp novel character.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

They already did like two live action Tarzan movies what are you talking about?

Voting for an eskimo to play Tarzan

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