What book is like this for you?

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percy jackson

A book from my childhood, Eragon. What a mess that movie was.

Not a movie but a tv show called “The Chosen.” It’s an incredible show, but the book was so much better it’s not even comparable. 😉

The Dark Tower….

I haven’t read the book, but ive heard world war z is atrocious

Artemis fowl

Mortal Engines.

They mashed the first 3 books into 1 movie and cut out half the characterization.

~~90210 goes to war~~

Starship Troopers

Percy Jackson

Ready player one

Forrest Gump is the only EXACT OPPOSITE I know of. It is absolutely horrible! Think of how bad it could be, it is worse. Everything good in the movie, not in the book. Bubba is an orangutan. They try to go to the moon. Forrest is a pothead one-man-band. I read it years ago and I can safely say out of thousands and thousands and thousands of books I have read, it is, so far, the worst book I have ever read.

The Hobbit

The book is fun, magical and full of wonder, the movies are CGI world of warcraft cutscene compilations

The Minecraft Movie, though it hasn’t come out

I am a huge fan of CS Lewis’s Voyage of the Dawntreader. The book warms my heart. The Disney movie was so bad that they couldn’t justify making the last four books into movies.

Second season of wheel of time

First season of Seeker (based on sword of truth novels, ostensibly)

Middle school: The worst years of my life. The film gets rid of a major part of Rafe’s characterization in giving him a reason to do the pranks, in the book he does it because he can.

Mortal engine

The snowman ⛄

Maze runner

Harry Potter and the goblet of whatever the fuck that movie was

Valentine by Tom Savage. Well done thriller/mystery in the book. Movie? Slasher wearing a cupid mask.

Ready player one.

Just read the book. It’s a much better commentary on the internet and how it affects us.

The Beach. The story was good enough without adding a love triangle.

i haven’t read or watched anything…

not sure why i don’t have that desire

Lord of the Ring and the Hobbit.

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