What cartoon is the definition of this meme for you?

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I don’t personally think so but many do. Star Wars Clone Wars TV Show

I would say Amphibia


adventure time

Steven Universe

a vast majority if not all Regular Show episodes can fit in this

The owl house

Bojack Horseman had a very rocky start, but eventually turned into a genuinely perfect show

If we are talking strictly proportional to the quality of the other seasons, Avatar’s first season is very mediocre, the episodes are mostly interchangeable without affecting the story and it relies too heavily on bad guy of the week and a very unremarkable villain who is constantly embarrassed by the main characters.

Gumball. Season 1 wasn’t bad and had many good episodes but it was also just kinda meh.

The rest onwards was a cinematic masterpiece and contained one of the few times I’ve legitimately nearly died of laughter at a tv show

The owl house, the first half of season 1 is definitely the weakest part of the show. Not to say it’s bad, there are still good episodes like the intruder, Covention and lost in language, but there we’re a lot of mid episodes.

My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic

Bojack Horseman. Season one is the worst of the show. It’s not that bad, but the episodic nature of the 1st season just doesn’t hold the weight the rest of the series does.

This is literally the definition of Toh

Both Clone Wars and Rebels

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Adventure Time season 1

hmm Ampiba too


Volume One: Corny Jokes, going to school, fun with friends, food fights

Volume Eight: War, depression, philosophy, death


first half of s1 is generic kids show

second half of s1 and onwards = flawless masterpiece

Sonic X

Moral Orel

Centaurworld could fit this too, like a lot of the other series people have mentioned. It certainly takes inspiration from a lot of its contemporaries.

OK K.O let’s be Heroes.

I shit you not, Helluva Boss.

The season 1 episode 1 (Murder Family) is more lighthearted than the last episode of season 2 (FINALE).

Gravity Falls

The owl house. Season 1 is all funny silly adventures until suddenly Eda is about to get executed, and then from there it just keeps moving at about 500 miles an hour

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Gurren Lagann. Starts out as a roadtrip essentially, ends with a brawl that is truly on a universal scale.


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