What character is the biggest counter to your main, and why?

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As a Thor player I’ll say Peni gives me a ton of trouble for a multitude of reasons.

1. Being she’s just naturally pretty good against melee characters
2. She can keep webbing me when I go awakened 😭😭😭
3. But certainly not the least of my problems, she can web zip out of my ult like it’s nothing 😂




Wolverine makes playing any tank just horrible

Invisible Woman

I Play Namor

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Spider-Man is a counter to my mental sanity regardless of which team he is on.

For loki it’s probably moon knight

For venom it’s any character with good CC but luna and peni are the most annoying

I haven’t found any real hard counters for Reed tbh

Magneto for my cloak. Well a smart magneto that saves his ult anyways

as an iron fist, playing against a good peni is the worst, a lot of times their support just sits in her mines and i have no option but to switch characters to like psylocke or something that isnt a brawler

that or namor with luna snow teamup. i can kill most namors, except when they have the teamup its gg.

As an Iron Man main.. people who aren’t blind

As a spider-man some of my big ones are mantis because of the stun, and scarlet witch and magic because they can just ruin my combo by teleporting two feet to the left and then keep attacking.

I main Cap and Peni ruins everything!

The ban system

Any dive character is my biggest counter as a support main

Playing against BP on Rocket makes me want to end it all, I swear BP players have fucking super senses to find every beacon I place

I play as Psylocke and i always have a hard time playing against Magick and Black Panther

ban phase (storm player)

My teamates in general, I main vanguard and everytime we face a dive comp it’s a pain in my ass. As a single tank not receiving any healing cuz the strategists are always dead cuz the duelists can’t fking change to namor (or land a single fking shot actually) drives me crazy, no one ever focus on the diver and if i try to focus… i’m dead before I even finish truning my back

As someone that got lord on Jeff I have foiled Dr Strange’s plan to wipe my team with his ultimate many times lol.

As someone that plays support a lot I would say a good Magik is who I hate playing against the most


Winter Soldier if I had to be honest, him getting armor from just using abilities, grappling or shoving me from my nest never gets not annoying and his projectile hitbox is just… way to big.

Wolverine or Magik. I used to main Strange but recently I’ve been healing.

Iron Fist….
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As a Penni main. I have problems with Strange. He always pops my spider nest. He always blocks my webs with his sheild, and the eye will kill me every time..

As a magic player, there’s three big ones

Winter soldier : if he has a good grapple, you’re dead. Very difficult to verse him when you’re playing as almost true melee

Peni: her nest and her mines are incredibly annoying. And if you get webbed when you’re in the air and drop down onto the nest, guaranteed death.

Namor: if he throws his squids too high up, you have to rely on your teammates to get them for you (which rarely happens) It’s even worse if he is paired up with Luna and he gets the ice squid.

Just to add, any character with a stun can severely mess up a Magik combo.

I will give you a hint: the cuck

As a venom main funnily enough it’s rocket, just because his hitbox is so small. Him or Jeff one.

Jeff is very hard to kill as Venom, Wolverine kills Venom pretty easily. Punisher turrets also suck.

As a Peni main Wolverine shreds me. The menace forcibly pulls me from my nest to do so much damage by the time if I am lucky to web swing out I get smacked by their teammate and it’s lights out.

As a winter soldier main i will say moon knight is one of the bigger counters.

Peni is a pain in the ass as Cap

As a Spiderman main it feels like everyone sometimes lol

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