What comes to mind for this

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Chicken Little


The first Digimon movie, will never show it to other people because I know it’s not a good movie but every time I watch it I feel so happy and excited


Quest for Camelot

Osmosis Jones


Space Jam

Hear me out, i LOOOVE this movie and always will, but i will fully admit it DOES have problems


Shark Tale

James and a giant peach. That spider did change my view on women as a child. Also, the whole vibe is cozy even if animation looks a bit strange

apparently Turbo got and still has lukewarm reviews. but i loved the shit out of motor racing as a kid so i thought that movie was the coolest shit ever

Dinosaur. I don’t think I ever once watched that movie as a kid (that I can remember) back in 2000. But now, I’ve come to appreciate that movie since then.

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Happy Feet.

It’s not just bad or good. It’s… weird. It’s an experience that’s hard to articulate.

I watched the second one a year ago and I was worried it was gonna be just bad, but my child and adult self were very happy to see that it’s just as weird.

Sharkboy and lavagirl


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The page master

You’re all naming fantastic movies that have a nostalgia bonus. Here’s a genuinely *bad* movie:
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The Princess and the Pauper. This is the hill I’m dying on!
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Rankin/Bass-Topcraft Return of the King, 1980.

Cool designs by the people who would go on to become Studio Ghibli, great songs, *crappy* adaptation.
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Spy kids, i fucking love this movie and its sequels but it’s probably not nearly as good as i would like to.


live action scooby doo.

I grew up watching Over the Hedge so much I can recite bits of it verbatim.

Get real, Kevin. Because when you feel like a dirtbag, it’s because you’re a dirtbag, right? So just say it out loud: “I am a dirtbag.”

Monster House.

Loved and was scared by it as a kid, but looking at it now…


The Lion King 2, only I still give it 5 stars (and it’s not terrible, just underrated).


Shark tale

Monsters vs Aliens. I sill think it has some very good jokes

Disney’s home on the range

He-Man: Masters of the Universe

1970s Rankin Bass the Hobbit. Not a bad movie at all imo and very dear to my heart. Now the animated Lord of the Rings on the other hand… (also very dear to my heart tho)


Balto 2 wolf quest. The music slaps even if the animation got a hefty downgrade.

They are not bad movies, but definitely one’s that are a bit slow paced for todays kids would be The Last Unicorn and The Hobbit. I love them for their cheesy 70’s/80’s vibes.

Son of the mask lol

PBS Kids because I was too poor to afford cable, Cyberchase used to go hard.

Pretty much every Thomas the tank engine movie before 2016. Especially the magic railroad


Maybe no one knows this, but Arthur and the minimoys

Shark Boy and Lava Girl, not that it’s a cartoon, but I feel it fits the meme

I just rewatched Cat in the Hat (2003) and I still love it. Had me laughing throughout the entire film and even got a touch of misty eye at one point

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On an objective level this movie is very mid. But by god does it still hold a special place in my heart.

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