What did he say now?

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Gender at conception is always female, so people were having fun with the language of the gender bill, which stated gender was established at conception

*Edit: I fully defer to the better scientific explanations below, I answered too casually. Ty for providing them!*

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Sums it up pretty well

Gender pay gap annihilated

He issued an executive order stating that the government would only recognize two genders, male and female. It went in to what specifically makes someone male or female, and got it horribly wrong. It was obviously written by someone who had no idea about the subject, and in the end the way they described a female would be applied to males as well. Hence, we are all female.

Pointing out mistakes in understanding or policy is going to be a waste of time because fascism isn’t concerned with making sense. Fascism wants to smile from a position of power as you try to point out its inconsistencies.

“This would mean everyone’s a woman!” Trump doesn’t care, MAGA doesn’t care, because these policies are not intended to be applied consistently. “Ending birthright citizenship would mean you’d have to deport your children because their mother was a non-citizen!” Logically yes, functionally no. Ambiguity about who it applies to, how long it may be in effect, etc. etc. etc. are assets, not bugs.

He said something about that gender is determined at conception, which means that everyone is a female because at conception everyone starts off as a female.

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Currently, nobody in the US needs to sign up for Selective Service to get federal financial aid for college!

Please let everybody know about this.

you just need to search it on google. “trump declares everyone woman”

Has everyone here skipped biology class? Sex not gender is determined at conception. It is determined by your DNA and does not change throughout the development of the fetus.

Males and females only become externally distinct after 8 weeks gestation, before that their genitalia superficially resembles a vagina, leading to the misconception that everybody starts out as female.

President Trump issued an Executive Order stating that all people shall be treated as their gender at conception.

All humans–in fact, I believe all primates at least, and maybe all mammals–are females at conception, and become male only through later stages in pregnancy.

Thus, Trump has made it official federal policy to treat all people as women.

I’m no longer a very cis man, but a wildly aggressive lesbian, because the Republicans want to own the libs. I may need someone to explain to me how this wasn’t a ‘more’ progressive choice that now will make male lives noticably worse so we might actually fix problems.

At conception, no one is producing large or small reproductive cells?

I don’t know if he said anything, does he read the executive orders out loud or does he just sign them?

It’s not just what he said. It’s what he created by executive order.

The real story here isn’t his normal stupidity, but there’s no guardrails at all anymore. “Why yes I’ll feed the culture war while also proving I have no idea how it works or how to control it”

Gonna be a rough next few years

FOOLS!!! That was his plan all along. Now, ALL OF US ARE GAY!

He passed an executive order that declared everyone to legally be their sex assigned at *conception*, not birth; when all humans are female when first conceived. So legally speaking, we’re now all women.

He said gender is determined at conception but at conception everybody is female and it takes a couple weeks for them to develop into a male

I mean, technically speaking George washington was the first female president because of this non-thought out decree.

So he is now the first black president and the first woman president? thats nuts /joke

It’s ironic because this is a case where, in their attempt to “dunk on Trump” people are just displaying their own ignorance.

At conception and for the first few weeks, mammalian genetialia have not differentiated, but they DO have either XX or XY chromosomes, and, barring some very rare disorders, that will will correspond to the eventual primary and secondary sex characteristics.

The very funny thing about this is that it’s one of those things that *everybody already knows* (at least, everyone who has had kids) because it’s pretty routine that if you get early chromosomal screening tests done they’ll ask you “Do you want to know the sex” even before an ultrasound can tell.

So the real joke is that millions of smug social media users are making idiots of themselves and then bending doubling and tripling down . . . Very much like a certain political figure they hate.

To state a bit of science here, genetically, the relevant female / male sex chromosomes are there at conception, just the genitalia doesn’t develop for males until several weeks in.

Just more republicans not understanding even a little bit of science.

Everyone is laughing at the language here but its just another nail in the coffin of womens healthcare. They just want to further cement that life happens at conception.

Wouldn’t it be funny if a bunch of cis guys sent in requests to have their passports changed to reflect their government mandated gender? Wouldn’t that make a ton of useless work for this administration?

In embroligy, we all start off as females. (Why else would a man have nipples) So I think with President cheeto dust signing that executive order stating that there are only 2 genders and are unchanged, we can infer we are all female by that definition and cheeto is the 1st female pres.

Did Trump not watch Jurassic Park? Dr. Wu explained this.

“All vertebrate embryos are inherently female anyway, they just require an extra hormone given at the right developmental stage to make them male. We simply deny them that.”

This is not really what I had in mind when Chappel Roan said we needed a Femininomenon but okay.

Gender is determined by the sperm prior to implantation.


Everyone who is in this thread looks really bad since we’ve know for a looong time spent determines sex.

Im Canadian born and Naturalized American. Do I identify as both male and female now?

I can appreciate the hilarious irony of Donald Trump being the first female president.  I will cry in bed for only 1 hour tonight.

Eh, it’s stupid. Pretending that, because sex organs don’t develop until 6 weeks inutero, it means everyone spends 6 weeks as a woman.

In truth, of course, the chromosomes are there from start, and a more accurate interpretation is that people have no sex organs at all up until that point rather than treating the absence of a penis as the presence of a vagina.

But times are bleak, and someone appeared to stick it to Trump, so lots of repetition.

2 genders. That’s all.

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