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im starting to believe that there’s donald trump somewhere among us picking up genius ideas

Turns out more of the Gulf of Mexico actually is part of the Mexican exclusive economic zone, than the American exclusive economic zone, and a bit goes to Cuba too and some bits are international waters in the middle




Trump saw this post and said “damn, i never thought of that, lets make it real”

Actually this map is fake because you can see the city St. Petersburg which is located in Estonia.

How about a compromise, we’ll call it Golfo de Americas.

Broke: Gulf of America

Woke: Gulf of Mexico

Bespoke: Gulf of *the* Americas

Ok, who kicked a rock when time traveling?

BIG Facepalm

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This might have something to do about it.

if they both have infinite shoreline, why don’t they share the name?

Who left the lathe of heaven on again?

One of the biggest distractions and indicator of what we are dealing with presently.

Who cares? The name was acquired over time and had worked fine…. Till now because of the whims of he who shall not be named.

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Reminds me of this

“We did it Reddit”

wow, the Gulf of Cuba sure is a lot in the news lately


Gulf of Cuba, they’re the ones located in the entrance

The US didn’t exist when it was given its name, and probably won’t again in another couple of years. 😄

Dr. Sam Beckett is still working till this day. God bless him

I’m waiting for Trump to offer that cock and balls shaped chunk of Turkey posted a few months back to the Russians for peace in _Korea_.

America is not the same as the USA. It’s for Central and North America.

All of that used to BE Mexico until we went to war with them and stole that shit. Naming it Gulf of America now is just an insult

It was YOU!!!

At one point most of that red line area was mexico

Stupid publication

So many politicians and right wing posters used that exact map to the point I saw someone question why the deep water horizon was on all their posts

It’s a great point about the “might makes right” bully attitude of US culture.

Gulf of the Indians

u/tripsafe, Your red line should’ve stopped at the Texas border. But, you know, we don’t have to talk about that.

It’s as if most of the ideas of the second Trump admin are taken straight from circlejerks and shitposts. We’re doomed.

Mexico used to be more powerful that the US… until dictators took power

Musk is obviously a member…

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