What did you get done last week?

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I looked it up. That’s a straight nose dive in just 1 day. Holy shit.

When the board has to discuss the CEO wielding a chainsaw it really feels like Fonzie should be putting his water skis on.

No worries heโ€™ll give himself another 40 billion in taxpayer money Government contracts tomorrow!

We had some Tesla stock, we sold for moral reasons around the time Trump took over. We sold just in time. It did triple in the time we had it.

Lost close to $26B, thatโ€™s efficient right?

Ha ha ha hahaha ha haha ha๐Ÿ˜‚

Give him a break, he was busy being a shitty father.

I mean, someone in my neighborhood has a bumper sticker on their model S that says “I bought this before I knew Elon was crazy”. How’s that for brand recognition???

He doesn’t care anymore. He has government money now.

Watching Tesla nose dive brings me so much joy. These techno-fascicts need to learn they are not invincible, and the people are not all idiots.

The corporate press is trying its best to make it look good. The Toronto Star tried to show how the 70 percent drop in Tesla sales mirrored the overall drop, having left out that Tesla was the heavy stone in that bag of wet kittens.

Hyundai only saw a 30 percent drop.


Oh thatโ€™s a thing of beauty

What he did last week? – Found another excuse to not integrate Apple Car Play in any Tesla model

I liquidated that shit 4 months ago.

Ketamine, fascism, more ketamine, avoided parenting, and even more ketamine.

Come on lucky $0!

This is great!

Let’s get that down to 0!!!!

In 1 month a loss of 25%.


If you look back 4 months ago, it was only at $250. In the grand scheme of things, this dive isn’t that big of a deal. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love for Tesla to go under. Unfortunately, it probably won’t happen.

He decided to demonstrate the Ratner Effect.

Get out now if you’re a bag holder, take that profit baby

Went crazy.

Wait, thatโ€™s on me. I set bar too low.

woo! look at that swasticar money drive off!

– Secured a large cache of solid gold (lol he’s just gonna give it to me)
– need I go on?

Heโ€™d say this is a fake account.

Not sure this counts as clever. It’s a pretty obvious response to Elon.

What can he say in addition to what that chart says?


โ€œWow, very concerning. Big if true.โ€

That drop doesnโ€™t matter when you have control of every American tax paying dollarโ€ฆ

Actions have consequences and we may not have a lot of power, but spending well is something we can do.

I saw one driving towards me today, Iโ€™m not gonna lie the thought went thru my headโ€ฆโ€ฆ

Board better get busyโ€ฆ.. cardboard boxes or shareholders with pitchforks are coming quick.

Sold weeks ago, dumped that Nazi stock.

lol smh

I dont see a comback

Musk likes to tweet and pretend that he plays games more than he runs his companies.

Where is the clever comeback?

Did he do another ‘roman salute’?
Everyone … sell (or short). It’s going in the garbage.

ForAmericans that love their stock market, buy gold. My models are seeing a 15-17% drop in the S&P 500 within the next year.

Like he cares

Not good enough. I want to see 2019 numbers by tomorrow.

Doesnโ€™t even show the scale? Also the YTD movement. I wish the effect is larger.

Time to buy while itโ€™s low. ๐Ÿค”

Kylo Wren MORE .gif

1 jerked off Trump

2 got jerked off by Trump

3 repeat 1,2

4 watch Trump jerk off putin on video call

5 repeat 1234

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