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Interesting thought experiment but would never and could never happen

Edit: Everyone commenting about red vs blue states is forgetting that Democrats aren’t leftists. Yes the states they control do better than red states, but they certainly aren’t “perfect leftists municipalities” none of these states have universal healthcare or Union participation over 20% much less total worker ownership. This is comparing right wing nut jobs to center right Liz Cheney enjoyers.

We already have this
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The problem with this is that this already kind of occurs, I’m not calling Democrats leftist mind you but red and blue States have a very large disparity and for some reason Republicans don’t think it’s their fault, red States on average have lower quality of life, higher violent crime rates, higher abortion rates, higher teen pregnancy rates, lower literacy rates, and bring lower in education, and in spite of all of this Republicans blame those issues on minorities instead of taking responsibility

Literally this
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The perpetual infighting would never even allow them to get off the ground

So the Paris commune vs Dubai?

Well I can tell you that one of them will get the military called in to crush the experiment and the other will fill up rich people who import cheap labour to ruthlessly exploit.

The righties wouldn’t survive on their own or would try invading other territories.

The lefties would all die from infighting over incredibly minute differences and/or get invaded by the righties. Most likely both.

You already had CHAZ what more do you want?

Not all leftists or right-wingers agree as to what a perfect city or municipality is, so not sure how this can actually be done. lol


There has been an attempt by libertarians to “take over” a city and cut all the city government spending. The results were not ideal.

many tankies claim communism only works if it’s spread to the entire world, so they’ll just use that argument to weasel out of criticism

Monaco and Singapore already exist btw (both RW) + a ton of islands

By the way, someone may explain me why the democrats are called lefties when in Europe they would be considered a center-right party?

That’s called korea

I think you’d have partisan ideologues interfering from the outside. Something like how the IMF destroys economies when elections don’t go the way.

There is no consistency even within the parties. Whose definition would you use?

Reminds me of the time I had my 7th graders do a project where they made their own utopia. Then they had to discuss it and had others debate how for them it was not a utopia.

Oh the issues I foresee

But first and foremost: kinda hard to squeeze entire ideologies into a city especially if the broader country has rules that make it difficult

Wasn’t there a leftist controlled part of Seattle with no police, ems, or fire?

This definitely depends.

Wow. This is such a good Idea! Might make for a good video game!

Compare any liberal state to any conservative state and you shall see some stark differences.

Both would implode into infighting

A civil war will brew up almost immediately

I believe both would end in disaster.

The blue city would be the middle class paying for the poor until the middle class gets fed up paying for the poor, stepping in human shit in the streets and they’ll get sick of giving all their taxes to the government, and they end up going to the red city.

The red city would be nothing but the rich and ends with corporate psychopaths nuking everyone in the city so they can have all the wealth.

You need moderates. You need both sides checking each other.

No need. R already did that before https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment

Wouldn’t rich people just move to the right wing place since taxes are lower, making the left-wing place poorer?

We have Oklahoma and Massachusetts.

They’ve done the right wing (or at least libertarian) version of this. Bunch of libertarians moved to a town in New Hampshire and basically cut all government spending. [Thing fell apart pretty predictably](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling).

The right wing one pretty much happened and it was an absolute shit show


Libertarians tried. Their town got invaded by bears because they dismantled town services like garbage collection. In New Hampshire

We already did, look at North and South Korea

That would be a cruel social experiment. Both cities are doomed to fail (yet in different ways)

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