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Born in Hawaii.

Met a lot of indigenous and native families.

Yes, the ancestors would work from 3am – right before noon.

But also we’re sleeping as soon as the sun sets

Iโ€™d need to read some first hand accounts because the missionaries would likely also wake up early, before they were done, also theyโ€™d you know, ask them.

I think surfing, doing art and socializing are human needs and the people who think doing anything that’s not work is sinful are the ones with moral failings.

Letโ€™s all watch Moana 2 this Holiday weekend to confirm

Hawaiians are incredibly hard working. While nearly every other lazy culture in the world invented the wheel independently to get out of backbreaking manual labor, Hawaiians dragged and carried everything around where it needed to go in an industrious fashion

They were a surviving society right? Who cares how much they worked. Work effort is a bad metric for life.

The fact that a good portion of local lunch spots open up at 4am and close around 1-3pm be saying how efficient and infectious Hawaiian work culture is that non-Hawaiians adopt the practice as well in the modern day.

One of the very few things we do know about prehistory is that our ancestors did far less โ€œworkโ€ then any recorded period. When you are living for your next meal, your workday is done when you found it. The Excess production of food is not about Survival in an ecological sense But of conquest in a political sense. A culture not pressured by the force of war would likely settle on a workday that generated enough to survive and then spend its time living.

I remember going to a museum and watching a presentation on poi, a native staple food. Apparently poi is high in nutrients and requires the least work per calorie. So, Hawaiian people had lots of time for fun and culture. I think OP is onto something.

I mean… it’s true that hunter gather and early agrarian societies mostly had leisure time, that’s not intelligently contestable.

Not sure if “lazy” is even relevant, nor is “efficient” and “organised”.

Hawaii wasnt particularly special in that regard.

I think โ€œthe job wonโ€™t love you backโ€

I mean I can finish my work in five hours, but I have to pretend for 8

Silly. Much better to make employees sit an office for 8-10 hours while knowing they are only productive for 4.

Tell us about the human sacrifice and death penalty for minor infractions… Or did it only happen after 10am?

Moana ran through everything the village did in a day

By American standards, they shouldโ€™ve got another full time job. Then on the weekends, monetize their hobbies and get a side hustle.

An interesting fact but I hardly see the relivence to modern economics, especially in the first world where most jobs are service jobs. Hotels, hospitals and other important industries pretty much require someone always be on shift. Could you imagine having a heart attack and not being able to go to the hospital because it’s closed for the day? Same goes for the transportation industry, if every truck driver simultaneously stopped driving for 8 hours it would cause huge supply chain issues. The system we have established now, where employers schedule workers on a case by case basis based on demand is pretty efficient and well suited for modern society. Even in a hypothetical situation where workers own the means of production I doubt the economy would return to the standard of the vast majority of people working the same shift. This only happens in situations where governments enforce the standard by law, like howvin some places companies are legally required to be closed on Sunday for example

Well, no.

That’s what I tell my boss too. Although he expects me to work the full day

I think haters gonna hate, and missionaries got that shit down to a science. Which is funny because they believe in an invisible sky daddy

Sure, Jan

That’s Adam Keawe, he’s a Kumu and one of the best historians. ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ

maybe. when i was in construction i sometimes worked like 5 am – 2 pm and i mean after lunch at around 12 i was pretty much done for the day and home by 3.

Tropical environments were more fruitful than European lands

Thanks for visiting and donโ€™t forget to leave. Whenever I think about ancient Hawaii, I remember reading there were no roaches, rats, and mosquitoes before explorers brought them.

i dont think T_T

I mean isn’t there studies that says we only do like 20 percent of actual work during the work day?

It’s the same way white Americans claimed Africans were/are lazy and then proceeded to build the country on the backs of African slave labor.

25 years ago, when I started at the company that I have my main contract with, the rumor started immediately that I was lazy. Everyone in those related departments now essentially reports to me. My lazy ass outworked them all, learned, and excelled at every role, and I make more than they could imagine.

Or they also had a good work-life balance and were efficient with their time. Also, screw missionaries’ opinions.

Missionaries should quit going around judging people

Different cultures, you can’t compare.

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