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Social security is a social safety net, not an investment portfolio. Its job is literally to catch you if the market implodes. It would be like buying only 3 tires then using your spare as the 4th.

10% annual return is extremely aggressive. Also… 490k in benefits is what you get today… not in dollars for 2064.

I mean that would make some sense if Social Security was a retirement plan and not what it is designed to be….insurance. It’s literally in the name.

Privatizing public services has never worked *better*.

Despite decades of competing and massive capital, FedEx and UPS are still not beating USPS, and still serve less customers in any zipcode.

This same ‘phenomenon’ plays out with rent controlled housing, health insurance, banking—***no*** service has ever become better because it was privatized.

Social programs being dependent on the performance of the stock market bothers me on a deep level.

Putting your retirement safety net in the market that could crash and burn at any time is the single worst idea I’ve seen in a long time. Social security is the way it is BECAUSE of the instability of the market.

this idea that the market saves everything is so obtuse.

Social Security is not a retirement plan and should not be discussed as such. It is insurance so elderly people don’t get put on the street when they retire/are unable to work anymore.

I guess we can just ignore how social security came about in the first place. When a depression hits that IRA won’t mean shit.

Here’s a thought…take some of that sweet sweet defense fund money and get both!

The rich control and manipulate the market routinely. Do you want your livelihood further surrendered to these f#ckers? Anyone had their pensions stolen lately?

This again?!

Social Security pays out on time, every time. Because it’s a zero-risk insurance policy and not a risky market investment.

This kind of reasoning is also often under the misconception you pay into the security network to yourself, to reap later. But no. You pay today, for people using it today.

If we’d transfer to an investment scheme as suggested in the pic – who’d pay for the social benefits *today* while my investment matures the coming 30-50 years?

What happens if we have a market crash, or the entire country collapses?

You can’t cheat your way into infinite money. Not even with the stock market. Any one person can get that return and turn it into resources, but if everyone tries you’ll find that all you get is inflation.

Just because you give everyone an account doesn’t mean there will be more goods and services available for the population.

This assumes that the stock markets will continue to grow as they have historically, which is a wild bet and very much uncertain.

Could do both. Considering how explosively powerful the US stock market is over time I don’t see much of a downside to doing SS and allotting birth benefits in the market.

No. If the economy crashes they’re f@cked. I remember when my father went to retire and the economy collapsed (2008?) and he couldn’t.

Sure, and if the market takes a dive the entire country is instantly starving to death. Great plan. The ENTIRE purpose of Social Security is that its a DEFINED BENEFIT.

I cannot even begin to list the bad assumptions of these figures.

Can we please just stop with this weird obsession that every single citizen investing a million $$ in the S&P is gonna make everyone rich?! At those astronomical PE ratios it would basically be a pyramid scheme.

I’m a libertarian economist.

The goal of social security is in it’s name- *security*. It isn’t about a statistical high yield. It’s about establishing a floor no one can fall under once they’re too old to work.

Just wait until you realize that companies pay an additional 6% and then do the math on 12% of your income over a lifetime at 10% compounding annual interest. Surprise, the government saved you from the terrible fate of being a multi-millionaire later on in life.


I think it’s ridiculous. Stop privatizing everything.

Social Security is INSURANCE. Insurance isn’t typically an investment vehicle. So the comparison makes no sense.

The Math checks out, and while it’s a little optimistic you can fix that by doubling the initial investment and tax rate, but there is zero political will in America to fix social security, no matter how obvious the solution or how broken the program. It’s like Voldemort, any politician who speaks the name in public automatically loses their next election. So we’re just going to ignore it until it collapses completely in less than 2 decades and then gut it.

If invested, it’s at risk if the market crashes while social security is not at risk.

Imagine the entire country being on this new plan and the market crashes. That is why they don’t do this.

And then the stock market crashes right before you start withdrawing. 

The important part is preventing the poorest of us from dying in poverty. Yes, the best of us could make more, but it’s not like there is an insane overhead. It’s just a way to keep anyone over 70 from being homeless if they haven’t saved over a million.

That disregards the Great Depression which is what made a social safety net imperative in the 1st place.

That’s not how Social Security works. My Social Security deductions were not squirreled away for my retirement; they were used to pay for the retirement of my parents (and their generation). My Social Security benefits will be paid for by my kids’ Social Security deductions.

I think people need to get ready for the fact, that like most things, the Boomers will be the last generation to benefit from Social Security. It will be gone and the program shut down or altered after the bulk of them are done exploiting it.

Social security should be a fund you can look at over your life time and it should yield a 5% interest rate. If you work full time from the time you’re 20-65 you’ll invest over $600k into SS. That’s $1.9 million. SS gives you like $4k/mo. It’s criminal

Yah but guess what. If the market goes tits up that money is just gone. This money is social SECURITY. Not a social investment.

Wouldn’t the major increase in money into the sp500 by the government cause this to become an unstable bubble? Making the sp 500 so expensive that returns would eventually be so small returns on it won’t give you 10% year over year?

Isn’t this what’s happening with college education ? Because of these guaranteed government backed loans, the price of education has become so expensive that it’s made it lessen in value over time compared to the price?

I feel like the original poster literally thinks that the stock market is a binary thing or is an infinite money glitch, when in reality the value is based on actual buyers and sellers.

I think if you allowed idiots to invest their own money they’d be broke and the rest of us would be taking care of them

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