What does my Costco trip say about me ($120)

By apuc
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Making sick gains.

single male probably 26 years old. was skinny fat in high school but started working out during covid. now slightly above average physique.

You got Grillo’s pickles so you are a solid dude/dudette

I always laugh internally when I see people with full carts of actual food, meanwhile I live 5 min drive from my Costco and am a single guy so I routinely leave with like just a case of 24 beers or like a single rotisserie chicken, or even only food court items

You didn’t buy a million snacks so you don’t have kids.

I went out of state car shopping once with my brother, and the Costco there sold hard liquor, which they don’t in our state. We each walked out with a giant bottle of Kirkland vodka and an ice cream from the foot court. The receipt checker said “Just the essentials this evening”. I found that funny.

Those pickles are out of this world! I saved the brine, bought more cukes and made a second batch!

You eat actual food

Bro had time to take a pic in self check out lmao

That you’re super lucky because your warehouse sells Lactaid gallons

your costco has eggs? Ours was completely out last time, they even got rid of the signs.

Single dude.

Average redditor can’t comprehend this is peak performance grocery shopping.

And you’re single

Almost keto? Rather low carb diet

Meal prepping

You do CrossFit, drive a Subaru and wear short shorts 🩳

You’re a lover of large meatloaves…

Your favorite album is still the Meatloaf CD you purchased 30 years ago…

I’m confused about your lactose tolerance 

We buy a lot of the same things lol

The lack of snack foods suggest no kids at home 🤣

Late 30’s, eats healthy, slightly constipated.

You bought that crappy avocado oil that sprays out either as a solid stream or as a fan that gets all over the place.

Edit: changed olive to avocado

Huh. Ground beef is $4.79 per lb even at Costco? Thought it would be cheaper.

food is too expensive these days :/

Whachu cooking?

I think I know your New Year’s resolution 😉

That you’re going to throw away $60 worth of food. (Joking)

This may be a naive question, but why do people prefer cooking sprays over simply oil? The spray is way more expensive. Am I missing out here on something?

Fuji actually my favorite apple. We are gonna get along juuuuust fine.

ditch the fuji apples for cosmic crisp. trust

Whole and swoll

Single, no kids.

You’re nice, but those “think!” bars have a gross little lie in them called sugar alcohol (polyols) which have very negative impacts on digestion no matter how clean you may eat. Your poop may smell bad because of them or you may find it’s harder to poop. They’re like this little lie we buy that says snickers can be healthy, but damn it if you want a candy bar you should buy one.

You don’t have kids that still drink milk

That you only buy groceries at Costco.

I think you’re going to meal prep for the week.

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