What film had you thinking this?

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Every movie I don’t like

I don’t know, i only watch 15 – 60 second succession clips on YouTube shorts

Anything popular (I’m different)

certainly not Idiocracy, that documentary was made only for intellectuals such as myself

I had never been high before because of a job I had. I left that job and decided to get high for the first time. I got edibles because I hate the smell of weed and don’t like smoke. I get Apple Plus for free so I decided to watch Napoleon. I took one gummy and an hour in the movie I didn’t feel anything, so I did the classic blunder of taking another gummy. I’m enjoying myself so far then it hit all at once. I’m watching Napoleon, eating pizza, and thinking, “this is the best movie I have seen in my life. Peak cinema. An emotion picture.” There was a scene where Napoleon was leading a horseback cavalry and it’s the most epic moment of my life. The music went in sync with my heart beat. I’m thinking, “this will change movies forever.” I wake up the next morning and go to rotten tomatoes to see the critics rave about it. Reading the terrible reviews was an eye-opening experience and put life into perspective. I’m refusing to rewatch Napoleon because I don’t want to ruin my memory of watching it baked out of my mind and thinking it was pure genius.

Don’t worry darling

Ricky Gervais’s The invention of lying

Any Tom MacDonald song

Any film where the reviews mention being stoned or having to be stoned


Not specifically movies but Peaky Blinders, literally style over substance. How many times are they gonna walk in god damn slow motion while some random rock plays lol

Butterfly Effect.

Nothing except everything

Both “Now You See Me” films

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All of them. Super genius like me wastes no time watching the movie

The Boondock Saints and American Sniper.

uj/ Forrest Gump

rj/ Forrest Gump (Get it, cause the main character is a fuckin’ dumdum?!?!)

Every Transformers movie after the first

Joker 2

Every movie. Movies are for fucking nerds

I think that’s the whole appeal of Zack Snyder’s oeuvre. He’s the only big name action director that injects pretentious themes and makes the themes so obvious that the really dumb can get them and they fall in love, because it might be the first time they’ve even detected deeper meaning in a movie.

The Boondock Saints (1999)

Don’t Look Up

Birth of a Nation

When Florence Pugh is getting that Oppenhussy and says the Bhagavad Gita line

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A Serbian Film

“Don’t look up”. Pretty shallow caricature with a heavy handed agenda meant to make one group feel smug and smart while portraying the other as complete imbeciles.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree with the underlying message that climate change needs to be taken more seriously – but anyone who thinks it demonstrates a good point has a very two dimensional understanding of politics and also neglects the fact that the movie doesn’t make you think, it just makes you feel self righteous or indignant

Any movie that isn’t an allegory for something. Allegories automatically make a movie deep and profound no matter what.

Everything Marvel lol

Idiocracy, Saltburn, anything by Adam McKay



Any Nolan film


donnie darko

/uj donnie darko

all of Nolan’s “science fiction”

Joker (2019)

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