What game got you like this?

By crno123
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No Manโ€™s Sky. We all know the developers have made up for it in spades, and I now have over 400 hours in the game, but man that initial launch was absolutely brutal

For me Battlefield 2042


Callisto Protocol


Back 4 Blood

Metroid: Other M.

Biomutant. The concept was great to me but the game felt empty

Duke Nukem Forever

What an overhyped disappointing game that was.


Skull and bones- was made out to be like AC black flag but multiplayer this time and is literally a worse version of black flag wtf

This is cod players. They see how it looks and thinks it’s good, then it releases and they see it’s the same shit

Watch dogs 1

Suicide Squad

payday 3


The crew

No manโ€™s sky. Admittedly, they did the fans right and built a beautiful game in its current state.

Aliens: Colonial Marines

me andromeda

I think Cyberpunk 2077?

Dragons dogma 2

Kerbal Space Program 2,ย 

Civ vii

Sonic forces

Dragon age The Veilguard

Spore is the most accurate for me.


Isn’t overwatch 2 the best example for this?

As a huge Star Wars fan, Star Wars Outlaws was it for me.

Dragons Dogma 2, I waited 12 years for that game to come out. The combat was great but the rest was such a let down.

Resident Evil 3 Remake

I was so hyped and the game was actually good but it was SO SHORT!

It’s like the best rollercoaster in the world but it lasts 3 secondsa

Dragon Age Dreadwolf before being renamed The Veilguard and releasing a what looks like a mediocre game that lacks any resemblance of the Dragon Age charm the past games had. Inquisition was one of my favorite games, and they could’ve just done some slight upgrades to that and sold well. I’m not sure how that mess was ever greenlit.

Kingdom Hearts 3

Fallout 76. I know itโ€™s better now, though.

No Manโ€™s Sky



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