What game is this?

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Honestly dying light 2. Idrc about finding your sister. I prefered the stuff about the Colonel and Jack Matt. But you can’t even really do much with that. The twist was pretty neat ngl.

My life

Division 2. It’s not that bad but not as good as division 1 story.

Borderlands 3😞

Dragons dogma 2

I think it’s middle earth: shadow of war, it has one of the best systems in gaming, but boy that story needs some work

I don’t want to say that the story is poorly written but 95% of Breath of the Wilds content is outside of the main story.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint. It’s just a very cliche story, and isn’t as good as Wildlands

Oh that’s Dragons Dogma 2. I feel like OP made this meme specifically for DD2


I was playing dying light today and man the dialogue is very boring main quest wise

Skyrim, not saying the story is “bad” it’s that everything else is sooo much better…as soon as I hit the world, I’m picking a random direction and walking

Borderlands 3 & wonderlands, gameplaywise they are amazing but the story & dialogues are atrociuos

It pains me to say this, but Battlefield 1. The only reason I say this is because of how rushed all of the chapters. They deserve to be longer and mote engaging.

Metal Gear Solid V

Monster Hunter

It takes two, such an incredible platformer. But man, I wanted to punch both Cody and May, and burn that damn book. It got a little better in the second half of the game, but even then. The story was basically just an excuse for cool levels.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. World was amazing and the physics was super impressive. Story was terrible imo though and the fact that you would get random snippets every time you came across a tear with potential spoilers made it even worse.

It’s tough to admit, but Tears of the Kingdom 😔

Loved the game. Hated the overall story. Every time I thought it would start to enrich the lore and history of such an amazing timeline… it just left me disappointed.

With its recent remaster, Ninja Gaiden is a good candidate for this

Fallout 4.

You just described Dying Light 2 to a T.

Ima get my head cut for this one but Saints Row Reboot


Genshin/zenless/Starrail. Hyping up for nothing in the end. Nobody important dies. Yapping fest
And Wuwa too, im also looking at you

I agree, but also understand that it’s extremely hard to beat Handsome Jack as an antagonist, he’s arguably one of the best in gaming, and really makes you feel for him, unlike BL3 where the Calypso’s are just dickheads.

Diablo 4


It is still one of the best games I’ve ever played, but the story wasn’t even finished. And all that is left falls apart when you think about it more precisely.

Bring on the downvotes if you like, but I’ll say it: TLOU 2 and SM2 are the very best examples of that.

I felt this for Horizon Forbidden West (which I put down after 20 hours) and, to a lesser degree, Horizon Zero Dawn. I just didn’t connect to Aloy and the characters enough considering how much time I spent on it, but the world and lore was great.

I thought about this some more, and I think it has to do with Aloy’s *stoicism* and lack of *emotional* connection to her allies. After the events in HZD, I felt SO disappointed by the choice for Aloy to emotionally disconnect from her friends and lone wolf more. Perhaps this is addressed later in HFW, I just didn’t stick around to find out after 50 hours.

[Show, Don’t Tell](https://youtu.be/e3W3bHoKQ2M?si=gR4oFeJdm1TvTZSP)

TLoU2, Borderlands 3, Halo 5…

Last of us 2 and it’s not even close . The ratio of stunning graphics to bs story is off the charts compared to any other game out there

The last of us 2. Poorly written, revenge pr0n.

Any FromSoftware game, take your pick.

Mostly quite good level design (their earlier games have some abysmal dogshit in them, though), when it comes to both visuals and layout and a lot of variety in mechanics with different weapons and enemies.

But following the story through cryptic NPCs and vague item descriptions just ain’t it. Everyone experience the stories in these games through YouTube videos.

It’s The Last of Us Part 2. The gameplay is phenomenal and it looks beautiful but dear God the story is actually horrendous

Dying light 2 and TLOU 2

DmC Devil May Cry

Space Marine 2, the plot was so easily guessable from the get go and any engagement comes from the most basic cathartic fallen-hero-returned melodrama that is omnipresent in all Warhammer literature. Honour, duty, blood, the emperor, purity of heart, revenge, punishment, blah blah blah.

I had fun in the campaign because of the characters and their awesome interactions with one another, but the plot is cookie cutter AF.

Metroid Other M. Fun game mechanics but actually the worst writing in the history of videogames.

I’d say Doom/Doom Eternal but if you’re going to the Doom series looking for story, you’re doing it wrong

Just cause 3/4. After the 4th or fifth mission in both games I completely lost interest and only continued playing for the ludicrous chaos and fun Easter eggs

I’d say genshin impact

TLOU2 you knew it was coming.

For its time, I’d say Dragon’s Dogma feats that description pretty well.

But it’s TLOU:Part II that really comes to my mind :’D

Monster hunter sweies

The last of us 2 and it’s not even close

The last of us part 2 is the perfect example of this.

The Last of Us 2

This meme was made for TLOU2.

Last of Us 2. Everything about the game was stellar except for how bad the plot was.

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