What game is this?

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If you have adhd basically all of them

For Me Kingdom Come Deliverance

MGSV: The Phantom Pain.

Iโ€™m a huge Metal Gear fan, but every time I start the TPP again Iโ€™ve gotta make sure Iโ€™ve got a spare few, child free hours to get past the epilogue.

EDIT: Prologue*

RDR2. Don’t give up on it just because the snow scene takes so long!

Mass Effect 1. Takes a bit of time to get going, but once you take command of your ship it’s a completely different game.

RDR2? The first hour is not bad, just kind of slow.

Twilight Princess, I love the game to death but yeah the opening is very slow.

The first 4-6 hrs of Days Gone.

A LOT of the beginning of Death Stranding.

Persona 5 specifically. I remember I dropped it the first time because it felt too slow for pacing, and I think I started it on a work or school night or something, so I didnโ€™t really give myself time to jump in.

I came back to it something like a year later during an afternoon and pushed through to about the part Ryuji awakened his persona. It finally clicked. Became one of my favorite games. Royal of course doing even better.

Hollow Knight.

Itโ€™s one of my favorite games, but it does take a little bit for the gameplay to get dynamic to the point where itโ€™s a lot of fun. After you get the dash, it really opens up. Too many people have quit before this stating combat was dull.

Reda Dead Redemption 2 (That Snow part)

Most Pokรฉmon games tbh

Kingdom Hearts 2

Not the whole first hour, just the first quest, and probably going to get hate for this, but Skyrim.

Monster Hunter, but itโ€™s more like 10 hours until you start to truly grasp the gameplay.

Death Stranding, it takes its sweet to get going.

To be honest, Okami. I thought the beginning was a bit of a drag with a TON of dialogue, but I stuck with it and it quickly became one of the greatest games Iโ€™ve ever played!

Breath of the Wild, depending on how long it takes you to finish the Great Plateau

Halo Reach is pretty slow and slightly confusing for the first few missions, but after that the rest of the game flows nicely

AC UNITY – The most boring tutorial section of all time into best Assasin’s game to this day.

I might get backlash for this one but Elden ring. That first hour is very visually pleasing but if you were new to the soul games then figuring out everything not knowing what to do because there was no clear objective but after you figure out that itโ€™s basically a choose your own path you get timing on things down and start leveling up thatโ€™s when it starts getting really good

Pikmin 4. It has such a long tutorial


Cyberpunk 2077, Destiny 2.



Any pokemon game. Hate unstoppable dialogue

After the first playthrough, this is Cyberpunk 2077. Its a real slog to go through the lifepath intro, the Sandra Dorsett job, the Braindance at Lizzies, the All Foods factory debacle (even though this is arguably the best part) the Heist at Konpeki Plaza, and finally the Johnny flashback and resurrection of V for EVERY new playthrough.

Every final fantasy ever.

Final Fantasy X.

First two hours are a slog. Then itโ€™s incredible.

Assassin creed games tbh

Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag is one of the best pirate games ever made.

Unfortunately, you have to slog through 2 hours of boring Assassins Creed game to get to it.

Fallout 4’s pre-war start was boring

Any game with a way too long and intrusive tutorial for things that are super basic (move left to move left, then move right to move right with new missions for every small step).

Games with a way too long intro story, please let me get into the gameplay first atleast. I like stories, but not for super long before i can even see how the game clicks with me. Just a few minutes maybe mixed with story does wonders with this

And then you have games that have a mix of both, first way too much story, then a super slow tutorial.

Long tutorials you cannot skip and do not save also suck, like when you must stop during it because it is way longer that expected and then you have to do all of it again sucks so much. Same with a long story intro you cannot skip

Saints Row 4 at first it s very basic but as soon as you get in the simulation and get the abilities then it becomes really good

Far Cry 3

Days gone. The first like 4 hrs are a slog, but it does get good after that.

Outer Wilds for me, everyone keeps telling me itโ€™s the greatest game ever but I just bounced off of it everytime Iโ€™ve tried

Cyberpunk 2077. The prologue and Sandra mission is always a bit of a drag for me, but Iโ€™m instantly back in the saddle once Iโ€™m given free roam

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