What happened to the Rule of Law?

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“So you could have ruled not guilty.”

“No no. He’s guilty. We’re just not doing anything about it.”

“And you still want me to believe Luigi is the bad guy?”



It is losing out to its older, more corrupt sibling, “Law and Order”. The distinction is that rule of law is evenhanded, law and order uses the law to enforce the social order.

I’m still shocked criminals are even allowed to run for President.

We truly live in the darkest timeline, don’t we

‘Unconditional discharge.’ Sounds like something that landed him in hot water to begin with.

Let us eat cake. V for vendetta. Luigi was right. The rich have lost their minds.

Climate change is going to make the famine that led to the French Revolution look like a breeze by contrast. These fucking Oligarchs have no idea the groundwork they are laying.

Rich people aren’t going to get in trouble. Advice, stop being so poor!

American Indian here: Nothing, seems to be working as designed.

vigilantism is now justified, deny defend depose

Jefferson Davis. The confederate traitors weren’t prosecuted. They should have been hanged. They betrayed the country.

The attempted business coup against FDR wasn’t punished. J.P. Morgan and the other wealthy traitors should have died in prison.

Then Ford pardoned Nixon. He should have gone to prison.

Reagan and Bush have gone to prison for negotiating to prevent the American hostages from being released so Reagan could reap a political advantage. And for Iran Contra.

The country has failed to hold wealthy and powerful men responsible under the rule of law.

Very “let them eat cake” vibes

I wish Y2K had happened or the Mayan calendar. Or any other reset catastrophe we were promised.

*sign me up, wheres the resistance? I’m ready to knock down doors. There’s no fucking moral high ground, it’s us or them and your still thinking the government is going to do something*

Rage against the machine: Take the Power Back

Yep, all we got to do is not eat the oligarch’s propaganda and not vote for the oligarchy. Simple… right? … right?

Paging Dr Luigi

Until the rich and powerful are held accountable to the same degree as the poor and vulnerable we do not have justice, we only have excuses.

“Rules for thee but not for me”

Eat the rich

Free Luigi!

The rich win and the rest of us are disposable. It’s ashamed to that half the country thinks they will be protected if they worship rich white guys but hey fafo 🤷‍♀️

The rich should be very scared of the rest of the population right now. People should not fear their government. Governments should fear their people.

Message received loud and clear

Wish they coulda slapped a fine of $100 on every lie that comes out of his mouth. He’d already be broke…

The judge should resign in shame. That is a lousy sentence and basically tells Trump he can do whatever he wants and get away with it.

Nothing it’s always been like this.

It’s more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual ‘rules.’

Must be nice to get the sentencing for rich people instead of going to prison like the rest of us would. Rich get treated one way the rest of us another.

Literally not even a fine.

We need Luigi

And they wonder why executives are getting shot.

Are you saying it’s Luigi time?

Very powerful message. Made him stand trial, found guilty, and sentenced to sit in the Oval Office….great job America.

The idea that the fact we’re run by an oligarchy and those in power are above the law , is some kind of new thing, is preposterous to say the least

You say you want a revolution 🎶

What rule of law?

“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

Welcome to Big Corpo, unified under the truest agent of chaos. We’ll be held hostage before long.

America, the oligarchy/ kleptocracy

Rule of Law? More like Rule of Lol


And to think I actually liked Judge Merchan.

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