What happened to this country

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where I grew up there was a neighborhood house fence with “Frickin Poop!” spray painted on it. it was never removed. it was an older fence so about 4 years later it was replaced….and you guessed it, someone repainted “Frickin Poop” on the new fence.. .

This isn’t Canadian grafitti.

There’s no apology grafittied below it.

Gang name: PG13

I’d like to share a memory from my distant past growing up in Ontario. As a passenger in the back seat of the family car, we would pass by a derelict house on the way to my grandparents.

I’ll never forget what was spray painted on the side of the house: CORN FLAKES SUCK!

Oh fudge!

They forgot to say theyโ€™re sorry!

The poorly drawn gun is the cherry on top

At least they keep it PG-13! Respect!

As a Canadian I formally ask that you cease spreading this harmful stereotype. We may be polite but swearing is a time honoured Canadian pastime.

Fuckin eh buddy.

Why did I read this as wear swords?

Itโ€™s become a peepee soaked heck hole

Looks legit to me

Are you sure. If it was a true Canadian they would have written โ€˜Sorryโ€™ underneath.

Young Thug Maple Sizzurup.

Sorry ๐Ÿ™

What the fork!

Canadians = scary af.

(Pardon my outburst)

By reading this I can sense the Canadians are getting really angry specially that there is no apology .๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

This doggone just burns my casserole. Schucks, dagnabbit, golly, gosh darn the whole thing. Please excuse my language

Whoa, how about a content warning for strong language?



This demands *too* much from the reader!

Swear words here


I’m pretty sure if you look around the corner, you will find “vulgar pictures.” ๐Ÿ˜ณ


That is some poppycock shenanigans

Those “w”s are very breast-shaped.

What no French?

These guys are serious.

Oh my gosh

Is that the Batman or Bugman

Well shit it worked I started thinking of all the bad words not just one

Lol this is amazing

Oh my stars

Thatโ€™s awesome! You can pick your own depending on how bad your day was.

Canadians hit by the FIA’s ban on swearing as well.

Yeah now, they are trafficking WMDs over the US border!

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