What I have to come home to after my boyfriend’s night of drinking alone and he refuses to clean up after himself. Just got off a night shift too.

By mir82jp
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OP why are you still in this relationship?

Is this what you would like your life to be like? I predict he will only get worse

It’s time to leave sweetie.


I’d propably be an ex-boyfriend if i behaved like this

If he’s drinking alone and doing this to his own home, he needs help (both alcohol and anger management)

Girl… you don’t need Reddit to tell you to leave him. You want this to be your life??

It’s not college that’s the problem in this situation.

Move out

You don’t have to come to this. You are repeatedly choosing to come to this, and rewarding him by cleaning it up afterwards.

Break up

“I love college” girl what?! College doesn’t have anything to do with this situation! Your BF is a man child and you shouldn’t be cleaning up after him like his mother. He also needs actual help to deal with the drinking issue and he should not be in a relationship while that is happening

Sounds like you need to ditch the dead weight

It’s only going to get worse.

Get out of this relationship now. Your boyfriend is an alcoholic and it will only get worse. Trust me on this.

Lady, you need a new boyfriend or no boyfriend at all, life’s too short.

No one is making you stay in the relationship? LEAVE

Tough love time: The only thing that’s infuriating is you staying with this person.

It’s only going to go downhill from there, and this seems pretty rock bottom already.

– Source: I’m a v happily divorced ex-wife who’s spouse didn’t develop their addiction until after marriage, and who I spent way too many years trying to make better.)

You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves. Save yourself. You’ll be much happier on the other side.

I don’t know anything about you other than what you’ve told us and I’m still very sure you could do better.

The fact that you are cleaning it means you are allowing this behavior and enabling him. You are young and will meet so many amazing people in your life. Don’t hold on to this guy just because you are comfortable or want to “fix” him. He’s breaking promises, verbally abusing you, and damaging stuff.

The fuck wrong with you? Leave that for him to clean up. You’re not his mother, he can wipe his own ass.

Your boyfriend needs professional help to get his alcohol under control. That’s not just a “night of drinking alone” that looks like a problem if not an addiction.

How many times has he done this OP? How often does this happen? You need to evaluate these things.

I’ll never understand the woman who literally post this kinda shit instead of just leaving the relationship. “My husband of 9 years just beat me for 3 hours bc I added ketchup to his hamburger. He likes mustard” and then continue to post lovey dovey shit. Like LEAVE THEM. As a guy with a somewhat toxic past. It will honestly either help the guy realize that this kinda life isn’t what he wants and will send him in the direction of help and growth. Or they will melt away into the rage and addictions which only leads to everything getting worse. The only correct answer when it gets this rough for one party is to leave. You cannot outlove mental issues and addiction. They need actual medical and mental help. (Of course some people can get clean and on the straight and narrow cold turkey with a good support system of family and friends, but these kinda guys most likely can’t)

girl run away before you’re in too deep. 🚩🚩

When I drink alone, I clean up and make sure all the evidence is gone. Your bf is a child.

What you “have to come home to” sounds like a personal choice. Make the same choice and expect the same results

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Well, you don’t “have to” come home to it…

You don’t *have* to.

This is a dumpable offence, OP. Please – you know this is only going to get worse.

Yes he is an addict, no it is not your responsibility.

What are you getting out of this relationship that’s in any way positive? If he’s doing
this in college, I can guarantee it’s all downhill and will get spectacularly worse.

This is not mildly infuriating this is u need to leave thos asshole, he doesn’t respect u

Fuck him. He broke a cool vintage table.

Get out. There is nothing for you in this relationship

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