What *is* a good price anyway??

By Framnk
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Iโ€™m one of those snooty own-my-own-chickens billionaires ๐Ÿ˜Ž

They used to cost $2.14 a dozen

About tree-fiddy

In my area, it was $4.17 a dozen for the cheapest walmart eggs on January 16th, and that was already too much in the first place. Now it’s $5.82 here. They were roughly $1.99 – $2.99 a dozen before the last 6 months or so when prices first started going up.

Use to be $1.99 a dozen in southern California.

Today I saw a dozen eggs at Smart and Final for $6, they also had 24 pack for $20 (tf…)

A few months back ours were about 3.50 but now my closest Walmart is selling them at 7.50 sometimes more.

I remember getting a dozen for .99 cents and I feel like that wasnโ€™t *that* long ago.

In 2019, I could get them for 74 cents per dozen. Even the 5 dozen flats were like $3. Now? $40 for a 5 dozen flat.

The kids and the teens separate themselves from the adults. Lmao

Not too long ago they were 99 cents on sale

What a good price is is highly subjective. For the seller the good price is the highest possible. For the consumer the good price is usually the one on which the seller makes the least profit.

Around here it was $2.99 a dozen. Now if I don’t be a moron and actually check around I can typically get them for $3.99 a dozen.

Iโ€™ve always bought the frickin pasture raised vital farms. For which I donโ€™t balk at 8.99/dz because those eggs are the tits.

I swear that when I was a kid you could get a dozen for around 2 dollars and they were seen as a cheap easy meal and now your better off eating gold

For good egg prices, look at Mexico ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ

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