What is everyone’s opinion on this movie?

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Cowboy Clue.

Who the fuck is Daisy Domergue?

Absolutely one of the best modern Westerns. Beautiful cinematography, perfect casting. Jennifer Jason Leigh was amazing.
Tarantino is well known for his love of classic western movies, so no surprise he nailed it.

I really love this movie. The setting, the dialogues, the tension… Perfection

Close that fucking door!!!!

A masterpiece of cinema, from the writing, music and acting.

Plays out like a stage play, one that I’d happily shit through.

Everyone in it is a god damn delight.

I watched movie with my seven friends, we hated it.

Unpopular opinion but I liked it more than Django.

Seen it a few times. Gets better every watch. Perfect Xmas movie

I respect everyone’s opinion here but to me it’s my least favorite QT film. Rewatching it now maybe I’ll change my mind.

This is my cozy snowstorm Christmas movie

Goggins is simply amazing in every scene. “You got me talking politics!”

I personally think it’s great Jennifer Jason Leigh really shines in her role,for some reason maybe I’m just disturbed but the part where they hang her makes me laugh my ass off.

Makes me hungry for stew.

LoL, I would occasionally make a solid pot of stew, turn the A/C waaaaay down to freezing and hunker down with a bowl and watch this classic.

Not my favourite QT film.

Then again I prefer cinema to theater and this is more theater than cinema.

A gang of people talking in a room, conniving and scheming. Although the movie was probably about 2 hours, it felt like 4 hours.

I know I am way in the minority, but I really didn’t like it.

GORGEOUS movie so I loved the visual feast but the dialogue seemed to me like the worst aspects of Tarantino: self conscious attempts to be edgy and cool.

I remember at the time I thought that it would have been better if he gave the story to someone else to write the script and then he directed it

Love the raw violence and enjoyed the reveal of everyone’s origins and intentions

Tarantino’s homage to The Thing

I fell asleep on it

Incredible score and opening landscape shots. I felt like the rest of the movie just did not live up to that sense of atmosphere

Reservoir Dogs with Cowboy Hats.

Favorite Tarantino movie!


Unpopular opinion. I think it overrated. I’ll take the Great Silence over this any day.

wonderfully atmospheric, very tense and also a weirdly cosy film. Surely one of tarantino’s best

Hated it

I hated it when it came out, but so many seem to love it maybe I’ll give it another watch

They be hating

Tarantino gets in his own way with this one.

It’s the least remarkable Tarantino flick as far as I can remember. But tell you what, I only saw it once so maybe I’ll give it another go.

I saw an interview in which Kurt Russell said he kept falling asleep shooting it. High five, brother, because I kept on falling asleep watching it.

Gritty. Entertaining.

Love it, story is told like a cinematic stage play

First time I watched it, I found it so boring and low that I quit at the halfway point. Family friend who’s a film buff said he almost quit at the exact same point I did but gave it couple more mins and told me I need to push through it cause it switches gears.

I decided to try again and holy shit…it’s SO GOOD. If you’ve seen it, you know what I’m talking about when it all comes together. It’s excellent writing and one of my fav Tarantino films. Cannot recommend it enough and also was my gateway to Walton Goggins’ acting (it was too brief in Django imo).

All time great

Very mixed feelings. Amazing cinematography, soundtrack, costuming, and dialogue. The story felt…I don’t know…somehow underdeveloped and overstuffed at the same time? Like I could have gone with a little a little more seeing the characters attempt to work together or find solutions to problems, a little less details of how awful these people are. 😂
The ending also felt dirty and misogynistic to me, even through the lens of Tarantino’s style. Just my two cents though.
TLDR; It’s a great film, I just don’t feel the need to ever watch it again.

Gets better every time I watch.

One of my favourites. I’ve rewatched it so many times.

One of the GOATS

Not in a million years would I have recognized that Jennifer Jason Leigh was the actor who played this role. I mean, yeah she did a great job with this character … I just would never have recognized who she was if I hadn’t spotted her name in the closing credits. To me the character’s face just doesn’t look like her in real life.

She’s definitely come a long way from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Guess it’s time for me to stop typecasting her in my own mind.

Super Underrated . Walton and Samuel are the standouts

It’s the only Tarantino movie I’m struggling to amass sufficient enthusiasm to watch.

I understand why so many people like the film, but I disliked the characters so much I found it to be an incredibly unpleasant watch.


Thought it was great but not as good as I thought it would be

Amazing film. One gripe was the absolute awful casting of Tatum.

Could’ve had benefited from a better editor. Changing Tatum was distracting, and odd choice for Tarantino. The ending was dragged out a bit much. Some of the comedy with Daisy was a bit trite.

I know I’m in the vast minority here, but I’ve seen it once and I didn’t think it was anything special. Maybe i should give it another shot.

I love it, but for some reason I have no interest in watching it again.

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